What had happened was. . . . .
GM sees a down turn on the way. They will be selling less cars next year. So they wanted to get out in front of it. This is just a cost savings move. The cars made in these plants {small, fuel efficient models, including the Volt} are not selling well, and are not as profitable as SUV's anyway. So it makes good business sense to close the plants. In fact, the stock price rose 6% on the news.
Still sucks the big one for all the folks losing their jobs. And bad PR for GM, right before Christmas.
I did hear the line workers would have a chance to relocate, but the white collar jobs were just gone.
Australia doesn't have an auto industry anymore. Its far cheaper to desigh them here and make them over seas. And that's OK, that's what trade is all about.
Yes it sucks for those working there but as the cost of living increases so needs to the wage, and with that some jobs relocate to other countries and someone you will never meet will get to pay his bills by doing the same job they did.
The Indian Company Tata is the new GM.
Maybe you should just sell more.*but employees AKA 'jobless'- once enterprising individuals, will now become leaches on society..pull your sniveling crybaby selves up by your bootstraps for god sakes!
and if you get unemployment of $275/weekly you won't get food stamps $192/monthly- too much money
*sarcasm and disgust
i don't have to ask for an increase in salary- i want more..i sell more.
Didn't somebody in an earlier thread go on and on about how Tesla was about to fail?Tesla is currently the most sought-after company for young job seekers. According to the Wall Street Journal, "On Handshake, a student career-services app... nine million student and alumni users showed Tesla received more job and internship applications than any other company [of the 275,000-plus employers] on the app in the 2016-2017 academic year."
You are right in that Tesla is an energy company that sells cars.Im more interested in Telsa's battery banks than their cars. I'm not a fan of sports cars that don't make a rumbling sound. No matter how damn fast they are. I'm also not convinced on the "green" aspect of 'lectric cars. Hybrids seem to be every 5th car on the road so they are popular. But in a state and country that has a huge solar to house conversion rate the battery banks have been eagerly awaited- even though it seems to be in the usual Tesla time frame- Allot latter than stated..
When its finally easily available I think ill take advantage of the interest free govt loan and go full solar at home.
yes, im an aussie. and yes we have heard the coming soon in large numbers for a few years now.You are right in that Tesla is an energy company that sells cars.
Australia is your home?
Tesla has been making big moves on the energy storage market in Australia, but they are now all being dwarfed by this new project that will see them install solar arrays and Powerwalls on 50,000 homes to create the biggest virtual power plant in the world.
You might not have to wait either:
Put cards on your Tesla...Im more interested in Telsa's battery banks than their cars. I'm not a fan of sports cars that don't make a rumbling sound. No matter how damn fast they are. I'm also not convinced on the "green" aspect of 'lectric cars. Hybrids seem to be every 5th car on the road so they are popular. But in a state and country that has a huge solar to house conversion rate the battery banks have been eagerly awaited- even though it seems to be in the usual Tesla time frame- Allot latter than stated..
When its finally easily available I think ill take advantage of the interest free govt loan and go full solar at home.
I guarantee I could scare you in this. I once took my boss to lunch at a restaurant about a mile from work.......He refused to get back in after.....and walked back! lol
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I don't like the sound of the new F1 system. That would be real hard to watch.
You should tell the 15000 American workers and their families that trumps retarded and unwinnable trade war which just cost them their jobs is winning
Hella sweet marble Tesla....