How about an 18/12 light cycle?

Good idea, or Bad?

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Well-Known Member
Yo, I have never grown cannabis but you CAN grow plants upside down...that's what a forum like this is about correct? The OP asked for your opinion and you gave it but you continue to put others down when they want the OP to experiment. A forum is for ideas and not bashing anyone who thinks different from you.
Man...I didn't bash anybody. Show me where I bashed someone? If anything, I was the one getting bashed - not that I give a shit what some random guy on a forum thinks about me.

Ideas are great, theories are fun...I'm not the anti-innovation demon. All I did was offer my 2cents. Ofc you can grow plants upside down. Missed my point, but it's all good - seems to be a common trend.


New Member
Bring this from the dead. Did this ever get tested? Running some basic numbers on the Prf/Pr half lives it seem like extending the the dark period to 13 hours would allow for a 24 light/13 dark grow period.


Well-Known Member
Why bother. Sounds like something someone that can't grow weed would try instead of learning how to grow weed properly. There are no shortcuts to proper growing practices.


Well-Known Member
Bring this from the dead. Did this ever get tested? Running some basic numbers on the Prf/Pr half lives it seem like extending the the dark period to 13 hours would allow for a 24 light/13 dark grow period.
Ya but dont remember it ever leading to much that would make me bother :-)


New Member
Why bother. Sounds like something someone that can't grow weed would try instead of learning how to grow weed properly. There are no shortcuts to proper growing practices.
Your view of the world/inside your mind must be so damn boring. How is looking for absolute optimization a shortcut?


Well-Known Member
Your view of the world/inside your mind must be so damn boring. How is looking for absolute optimization a shortcut?

You know what? Go ahead!

When you're done fucking around with this bullshit get back to us and give us a report.