What's your prefered method to eat shrooms


Well-Known Member
Just wondering how some of u guys like the eat them. I use a coffee grinder to turn it into powder then mix it into some melted chocolate. Cant taste anything other than chocolate this way. I used to be able to just eat them out the bag but I can't tolerate the taste anymore.
in chocolate, or tea. I agree, eating them right out of the bag is a nasty thing. most times it's someone at a party or gathering that says "want some?" and down the gullet they go with a chaser of whatever beverage is on hand
One slice of bread, butter it, add peanut butter, add the slimy shrooms on top and gnaw away. Have a jug of milk or water handy. Last time doing shooms was in 1973 haha. Don't miss it but miss the old school acid trip slightly. Oh, your method sounds a lot better.
I don't trip anymore but I used to like to eat them fresh o_O:shock: Try putting them in a jar of honey and put them in the dark for a few weeks and it all turns a beautiful Indigo and becomes a very trippy blend, good luck!
If i've got dry shrooms I like to grind them to a powder and either chocolate bar them, or put them in capsules. I used to just grind them and add them to a shot of OJ and slam it.

Fresh shrooms I like to chop up small and put on a little cheeseburger :).
Best way I have found is to grind it with a coffee grinder then mix in a shot glass with oj I'm pretty sure that's the easiest way
If i've got dry shrooms I like to grind them to a powder and either chocolate bar them, or put them in capsules. I used to just grind them and add them to a shot of OJ and slam it.

Fresh shrooms I like to chop up small and put on a little cheeseburger :).
I guess you beat me to this suggestion haha it's by far the best way or making tea but that a little different effect
Tea but it doesnt last near as long as eating them. I like to drink tea and then eat a few while I'm drinking it to prolong the experience.

I've never been able to bring myself to try tea. It seems like it would taste terrible. Once I found the other techniques I never looked back. But I see people mention it frequently and I always makes me wonder.
I've never been able to bring myself to try tea. It seems like it would taste terrible. Once I found the other techniques I never looked back. But I see people mention it frequently and I always makes me wonder.

It's not bad, I take the mushroom matter out after I make the tea, use a little lemon juice and get some instant tea. There are alot of teks on how to do it. You dont really taste them that strong.
I don't trip anymore but I used to like to eat them fresh o_O:shock:

Prob why you dont eat them anymore. :) Fucking gross. I ate them fresh for a few months straight(micro) and I will never again. The thought of it makes me wanna hork...

Tea with honey and ginger would be my go to though...