What did you accomplish today?

It’s the “might be worth it” that is scary. Now if I had already experimented with led’s (surprised I haven’t) I would know and would feel confident in installing them.

it’s not quite that large of a difference though, with DE’s(the way I grow) unless dudes are yielding 3lbs/600w of led. I consistently yielded 3lb’s under each 1000W dE, whereas 2lb’s was considered killing it with old single ended hid lamps. I’m sure newer led’s woop the shit out of single endeds like that, but not quite as extreme of a difference compared to DE’S but still are more efficient.

I’m hoping to get on an agricultural power rate this next property as it is zoned ag. Huge difference in power costs. Almost half. Here in California where PG&E not only rapes us for power, they also start fires that burn down your whole entire community :-(

I used to say it’s the price to live in paradise. I dunno what to say anymore.
I don't even know why I use led. Electric is cheap here.

I've been thinking about a buried shipping container grow with nothing but led powered by solar and wind.

I get using de. It produces so much the cost really isn't a concern. De efficiency isn't that bad.

Do what you know. To each thier thier own.