Who has the stinkest Road Kill Skunk?

This is obviously def very old but greenGooLabs which is his breeder name but is known as Chem from the over grow days anyways he is def the only breeder I've seen first hand(actually smelled the bid and smoked it)that has the true 80s rks and now making seed from the clone so will be fire ... All testers said it was so nasty like the 80s rks and greasy as fuck also very potent so Id take the bx1 seeds but he said he's still gonna bx it one more time to be sure it's as good as it gets so anyone who may find this post will def want to try them when he drops them Also he's also got so many other true clones all BXed and or worked to perfection so now im a huge fan of his and some of bodhis gear others I've notices now days are more hype and herms are way to abundant also I've noticed these days so sadly true breeders are more hidden cause they can't aford advertisement or want to hoard the real dank so there not in the mags or forums anyways peace all

There's an old head here in Vermont that's got some real deal rks for his "family". ^^^^absolutely correct! Those who have asskicking fire genetics don't need fancy advertisement, word of mouth via stoners works REALLY WELL! I'd kill to have access to real deal rks from the 80-90's. Prob is the great stuff is being hoarded, most likely by folks that never even heard of rollitup!
This is obviously def very old but greenGooLabs which is his breeder name but is known as Chem from the over grow days anyways he is def the only breeder I've seen first hand(actually smelled the bid and smoked it)that has the true 80s rks and now making seed from the clone so will be fire ... All testers said it was so nasty like the 80s rks and greasy as fuck also very potent so Id take the bx1 seeds but he said he's still gonna bx it one more time to be sure it's as good as it gets so anyone who may find this post will def want to try them when he drops them Also he's also got so many other true clones all BXed and or worked to perfection so now im a huge fan of his and some of bodhis gear others I've notices now days are more hype and herms are way to abundant also I've noticed these days so sadly true breeders are more hidden cause they can't aford advertisement or want to hoard the real dank so there not in the mags or forums anyways peace all

So where do you get his stuff at?
Just seen old school breeders association has a road kill skunk, I know Osba is sketchy but has anyone tried it? Supposed to be brought to them from someone Howard.( not howard marks)
super skunk by g13 labs is about the loudest, stinkiest, two skunks having unprotected raw butt sex stunk that you can get your hands on ime..

this stuff is straight up stinky, funky, dead, road kill funkadelic as you wish you can get.. if this stuff isn't stinky enough for anyone, i don't know what to say...

i just went through my gear looking for this strain, and i was a bit wrong about the name come to find out, sorry about that..
the proper name for the strain i grew from g13 labs that smelled like straight up road kill skunk was in fact called thai super skunk, by g13 labs, not just straight super skunk.. sorry about any confusion i may have caused anyone, but if you can in fact find that old thai super skunk by g13 labs, it's at least a good 6 plus years or so ago that i got this strain as a freebie from the tude, if you find it, grab it and grow it if you have incredible odor control and a bigger set of huevo's than i do..
Swami is going to have a couple crosses with 85 RKS/Guadalajara in about 4 weeks.

He will have

Original 1985 Cut NL#5 x 85 RKS/Guadalajara

Blue Orca X 85 RKS/Guadalajara

The One x 85/RKS

Cherry Bomb/Maui Wowie... REAL DEAL Mr Greengenes ( RIP ) Genetics. This is also IBL, ad NOT a Cross.

Blue Orca is a 1971 Kandahar Afghani Clone Only

The One is 71 Kandahar x 1976 Thai Stick Male, clone only.

The Guadalajara is a PNW strain and the RKS has been hybridized into it for over 30 years
riot seeds is questionable. definitely knowledgeable, but he burns tons of bridges and holds grudges.

ask him any question on any of his strains and he gets weird. I watched a ton of ama's with him on IG and he is slippery. find some grow logs oif his RKS and ill believe you
riot seeds is questionable. definitely knowledgeable, but he burns tons of bridges and holds grudges.

ask him any question on any of his strains and he gets weird. I watched a ton of ama's with him on IG and he is slippery. find some grow logs oif his RKS and ill believe you
It is odd too how people that fall from his favor wind up with legal troubles...ie...raids, busts and visits...what a pile of shit....good luck with that...give a methadone addict your money...wise choice.
yes i was hurt
I got 75 percent 3Rd degree burns in a forest fire in Portugal october 17
i had 6 week coma and a year in hospital and am only just myself again now

but police and firemen turned up 4 days too late to rescue me but found the 200 kilos of weed they are trying to give me 12 years for

i ran into the house the previous year 6 times as it was on fire to save the plants i made the seeds with; but wasnt hurt then

but i lost everything and have a case to fund so i am forced to sell my beans that i wanted to work further with and make a seed company with so i am not letting them go cheap; im well awre of the value of the only real RKS seeds out there, everyone else is a lying fuck and we all know it

my seeds originate from oldtimer1 who contributed the genetics t the original skunk before Sam fucked it up
that is why i found skunk and no one else has, because i had the right starting material

oldtimer kept himself to himself and preserved the old skunks and i found them in large popûlations of f2s of his wor
Too bad you have never smelled a skunk in real life mate and not one person has grown these wannabe RKS to tell you that they smell like RKS....LMAO. Not to mention the shitty germ rates and trannys (hermies) popping up in your chucks. Buyer Beware!!!
I had a pheno of power kush by dinafem as a freebie from the tude back in 2010 and that is the closest thing to skunk I've grown since my 1st grow of skunk #1 by dutch passion back in 2002. The power kush stunk like classic skunk but not quite as strong but still enough to fuck your pocket up trying to hide a bag.

Again no where near as strong as that old skunk #1 but definitely uncomfortably stinky. I got told on by a younger student in my biology course at the com college because I "smelled like weed." My professor asked me to see her after class the next day and asked me "if there might be a reason the other student would say I smelled like pot?" I was rather frank in my response "It's probably because I got high before school."

It was in Illinois and quite illegal but I was a 31 year old so I wasn't trying to hide and lie. The prof was kind of taken back for a moment but then just said cool and asked me to change my seat, lol. Fucking narcs, never understood why people love getting other people in trouble? Or getting up in people's business?

Those were the reasons I stopped growing the skunk back in the day too. That stanky weed is hard to conceal.
I know a guy who actually grew crops of that smelly skunk bud in the 1990's...he grew it on a small island on a large lake so the smell wasn't an issue...you really needed a boat to get it properly, anyway, I asked him where I might be able to get seeds for bud like that (thought maybe he'd have a secret stash in the deep freezer at home or something). He suggested a place, Attitude Seed Bank...Afghani X Skunk#1. I got them in a week, very impressed. I bought 10 regular seeds because apparently they haven't feminized that strain yet for some reason, got 5 free same seeds plus three feminized seeds of this, that and something else. I already have 6 plants on the go now under lights in the cellar...my GF doesn't think I should get too many going at once, I do that eh. Out of 15 regular seeds, if I get 5 out 15 females, (worst case scenario), it'll end up worth it. We'll see...keeping my fingers crossed...and my toes, maybe my eyes. lol