got my bill

I run a magic butter machine with 2 cups of coconut...then add 60 grams good sugar trim...I use 00 caps so a half gram per cap....hth

Cheers thanks that does help. How do you collect your sugar trim, by trim machine refuse, or by hand etc? Or perhaps you use dry ice or whatever on the trim bucket. Thanks for sharing. Need some strong stuff. You gotta take 1000's of mg a day to try to kill the cancer.
went to the vet today...opinion is not good....SWMBO has agreed to keep to oil and screw the chemo/surgery...we'll see....;))

i'm not in favor of letting doctors play with my body....but go to more than one. tell them what you're doing on your own. if two or three of them tell you its a good idea, you might want to consider it. i think cannabis oil is great stuff, and i think it can help you, but there's only so much anything can do on its own.
my mom had a mastectomy, and a short course of chemo therapy. she felt like shit after the chemo, but a couple of month later she felt much better and the cancer never came back.
look at all your options, talk to more than one doctor...then decide what to do
Not here. Both my wife and I have freewill, so we unanimously agreed to remove the word "obey" from our vows.
you can call a whale a cloud....but it ain't gonna float away into the sky.....
women control the world...don't let them fool you. they turn men into fools, and we let them. all they have to do is smile and act cute, and most men turn into idiots...excuse me...BIGGER idiots...
i don't drink, but i like to play darts, so i go to bars now and then. a few months ago i watched a very cute girl float around the bar, talking to 5 different guys...i think eventually she started saying stuff like "i'd go with you but thats my old boyfriend....he's following me..."
two separate fights broke out, between four of the five guys, with the "winners" of both following her out to the parking lot, where she got in her car and drove away, alone. the two winners went back inside and started harassing the 5th guy...who was also left there alone...and men rule the world