Al B. FAQt

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have you ever tried feeding less than what a nute company suggests?
1/4 - 3/4 of the suggested dose. It seems like overkill the amount you gotta put in there, especially when they say its concentrated. so many people have salt build up issues, isnt that a hint to lower the godamn amount your using?

tell the truth now al, do you or have you ever used nads?
Hey AL,

My clones have been under fluros for 10 days now and I still have no sign of roots. 2 of them have grown new leaves on top, but the roots have not popped out of the bottom of the rockwool cubes.

Now 2 of my clones are wilting really bad. I have been watering them 2x a day and keeping the cubes saturated to about 20-25g on the scale. The temp in the room has gone down from 75-76 to now 69 due to the crazy temp change here.

What can i do to perk up the 2 that are wilting badly? The heat pad is on at all times underneath the mat and clones.

I am watering them w/ 5.8 ph adjusted water w/ 30%$ h202 grade.
I recollect Mr Fuct stating to give them some time in the dark till they perk up again.

Heat matt not raising temp?

with those inconsistent temps could be another week until roots protrude if at all, good luck.

pardon me for posting Al,

So I am getting real close to being done with my first set

How close? Buds harvested prematurely will have a lot of dark green leaf compared to light green seed bracts and much less resin than when properly finished flowering. Chlorophylly taste comes from the dark green leafy material, which has not only lots of chlorophyll but a lot of cellulose matter compared tot he amount of resin on them. It's the resin that gives good cannabis a great flavour. I bet mine would taste grassy if I tried sampling something from wk 4 or 5, but you know, I've never done that.

I have read where that if you cure them it will cure it out of them but I am trying to use your methods and i don't recall you stating that your started your process out like that.
Grassy flavour comes from leaf, which has a lot of chlorophyll and cellulose by weight compared to budmass (empty seed bracts) and the THC bearing resin trichomes coating the buds. If you are not smoking leaf, curing, specifically by aging in jars, is not necessary.

It'd be a fair guess to say that about 60% (or more) of the budmass & resin are made in the last 2 weeks. Early sampling thus is not a very good indicator of how the stuff will finish up.

How much leaf have you left on your buds and just how early is this sample?

have you ever tried feeding less than what a nute company suggests?
1/4 - 3/4 of the suggested dose. It seems like overkill the amount you gotta put in there,

There's a bell curve to nute strength; 'not enough,' 'just right' and dead. The trick is to hit 'just right.' Dead is occasionally thought by some radicals to be a bad thing, 'not enough' means you sacrificed yield but paid for the power to run the lighting anyway.

especially when they say its concentrated.
Would you rather I go to the hydro shop and bring home 550L of nutes every two weeks which are already mixed with water to the strength plants can use, or should I bring home a pair of 5L jugs which magically turn into 1375L of plant-ready nute mix? Of course, nute mixes are concentrated so you can add your water at home and not pay so much (nor work so hard) to move nutes around.
so many people have salt build up issues, isnt that a hint to lower the godamn amount your using?

Whenever you add nutrient salts to water, when the water evaporates, the salts will remain. Doesn't matter how little you add, there will always be nute salt residues when dealing with hydroponics.

tell the truth now al, do you or have you ever used nads?
No, but I have some. ;)

Hey AL,

My clones have been under fluros for 10 days now and I still have no sign of roots. 2 of them have grown new leaves on top, but the roots have not popped out of the bottom of the rockwool cubes.

Now 2 of my clones are wilting really bad. I have been watering them 2x a day and keeping the cubes saturated to about 20-25g on the scale. The temp in the room has gone down from 75-76 to now 69 due to the crazy temp change here.

What can i do to perk up the 2 that are wilting badly? The heat pad is on at all times underneath the mat and clones.

I am watering them w/ 5.8 ph adjusted water w/ 30%$ h202 grade.

Most of the water weight lost between waterings with clones is due to evaporation. The clone itself, before it has roots, really only needs a few of grams of water per day.

What has happened is the evaporation rate has decreased because of your recent temperature drop. You are also not presenting a 30C air temp environment. The cubes are thus staying too wet and you may have got some stem rot. Reduce your watering to suit the lower temperature.

You need a clonebox which maintains a 30C air temp. Do you have a proper 30C horticultural heat mat or are you trying to use a heating pad for people? What size and type of RW cube are you using. My cloning thread deals only with watering figures for 40mm plastic wprapped cubes. Smaller cubes or unwrapped cubes may behave differently.

Cut the watering by half, give only about 12-13g (12-13ml) per watering (keeping in mind that if they're still fairly wet after 12h you should not give them any more water), check to see that the cubes do not fully dry out between your watering intervals. Pull the stems out of the cubes- the tips are probably rotted. Recut them and stick them back in another part of the cube. They'll perk up in a day if they are not too far gone. The clock starts ticking again when you have to recut, though. It'll be at least 7 days before you see roots, provided you correct the overwatering. When a clone goes a long time without roots, it will begin to exhaust the stored nutrients and will begin to yellow. Without roots, the plant can't take up nutrients, so it will eventually run out and you'll have to compost that one and try again.

Remember, all the stem needs to set root is a persistently damp environment, it never needs wet. You should not be able to shake any water out of a cube which is just damp and not saturated.
I recollect Mr Fuct stating to give them some time in the dark till they perk up again.

I give cuttings 6h in darkness immediately after cutting only. His clones are 10 days post cutting. Wilt that happens several days after cutting will not be cured by giving a dark period; it will be stem rot from overwatering and should be addressed as in the last post.

pardon me for posting Al,
I will this time, but if you reply giving advice in my stead, please refer the reader to something I've written. Your recollection may not be precise. I'm keeping up with queries pretty well at the moment, though.
heh, send him this link, he'll appreciate it. ;)

The combo isn't available yet. If you want what I have, you'll have to purchase the AAW and cooltube separately and fit them together yourself.

I need about 23kWh/day to run my op. The amount of solar generation equipment necessary would be well over $100,000. Here's a 30.5kW PV system for comparison.
your op runs two 1K lights, a 400, plus fans, pumps, and misc. ? it seems like you could get solar for WAY WAY cheaper than 100K. you are smarter than I am, so I figure you know better... but solar is said to usually pay for itself in about ten years, with the energy savings (energy usually just goes up anyway, making solar more valuable) plus.. it's CLEAN!

I did a little search, and the cost of what your needs are didnt seem right, unless down under is just way more expensive. maybe take a peek at this link Solar Photovoltaic Industry Cost and Price Trends

am I way off?

I'll do the aaw + cool tube combo... bummer though, because I'd have love to been one of the ones to get your signature combo! so cool.

anyway, thanks man, I'm doing a flood and drain now inspired by your thread, and I'm very pleased by it's simplicity and ease. I switched from aero/nft, and the only drawback of flood and drain is the necessity for grow media, where in aero/nft you dont need anything... which is no waste, which is nice, but it comes with complexities such as not being able to move the plants once they are established.

rock on, and when the combo is available, I hope you link it to your sig.

if you opened up a personal request hotline, youd make more dough than you do pushing a couple oz's.:idea:
i think my biggest beef with your system is the media use (i hate the idea of walking in with bags of floc or whatever on a monthy basis), and having to take so many cuttings (i would want to do more than 20-23, that means more mothers more work). dont get me wrong, i think its a fine system, since reading how to get a harvest every 2 weeks my brain has been on :fire:
be sure that i will be back to pick your brains, ive got a calc test tommorow that ive put off studying for so that i can mastermind a grow here. unless you can help me evaluate integrals??
I did a little search, and the cost of what your needs are didnt seem right, unless down under is just way more expensive. maybe take a peek at this link Solar Photovoltaic Industry Cost and Price Trends

I can't find on that site where any costs are cited for a system which would supply me 23kWh per day. Can you? I get mains power for my op for about 5c/kWh, so it's a real horserace between mains & solar overall cost, which is really all I'm concerned about. The rest of it is tree-huggin' hippie crap, IMO.

My op draws right on 3500W with everything going (12H/day), ~1300W when the flowering lights are off. It's gonna take a lot of panels (and a garden shed full of batteries if off-grid) to support that load.

I'll do the aaw + cool tube combo... bummer though, because I'd have love to been one of the ones to get your signature combo! so cool.
I'm actually very uncool. I'm in fact anti-trendy. If you met me you'd think 'what rock does that berk live under?' Seriously, I was musing a bit when I suggested the Al B signature edition, but Accent probably will have an AAW with a cooltube in the next few months.

in aero/nft you dont need anything... which is no waste, which is nice, but it comes with complexities such as not being able to move the plants once they are established.
Very true and very true. Media disposal is a security risk but one I deal with sensibly.
Theres some really good teachings in this thread. Good job, Al.

thanks. :)

if you opened up a personal request hotline, youd make more dough than you do pushing a couple oz's.:idea:

Do you reckon? By my maths (and without much more commentary about it), I'd have to be making about $500/day to beat what 'pushing a couple oz' earns me each mo. Also, figure that my working days 'pushing a couple oz' can be as short as 30 mins or up to 12h/day for a couple days while harvesting every 2 weeks. I put about 60h/mo or 2h/day on avg into the op... so which one of you mob is going to pony up $250/hr to chat with me? :lol: I reckon you'd die of boredom before 15 mins passed.

i think my biggest beef with your system is the media use (i hate the idea of walking in with bags of floc or whatever on a monthy basis), and having to take so many cuttings (i would want to do more than 20-23, that means more mothers more work).

yep, media disposal can be a problem, but it has not been a one for me. I can bring my media in without being seen by anyone as my nearest neighbours are 1km away and when bagged up like the rest of the household rubbish, blends in without drawing anyone's attention.

you can help me evaluate integrals??

Nah, I hate Japanese luxury cars. :lol:
mr. fuct
are these forums safe, now your going to say somthing like " if they werent, would i be using it?"
could anyone trace information you put here back to the user?
Nah, I hate Japanese luxury cars. :lol:
didnt you want a Rx8 a while back??
im spending too much time here with you mr. fuct, this is not good....not good at all....:sad:
Al, couple quick items:

When a clone goes a long time without roots, it will begin to exhaust the stored nutrients and will begin to yellow. Without roots, the plant can't take up nutrients, so it will eventually run out and you'll have to compost that one and try again.

How yellow till you have to compost? I have a few 8-10 out of the 60ish from my first batch that have roots and went to flower friday but are seriously deficient looking. I recognized that and foliar fed as well as getting them on the nutes immediately when moving to flower. Will these recover? If they recover will the plants yield be seriously impacted by the nute defs it is expending energy on now?

And my other question has to do with energy consumption/security concerns.

I am running 66kwh/day in lights when all four lights in the flower room are in use as well as the 3-450cfm fans, 1-800cfm fan, pumps, light movers etc. I hesitate to guess but 75ish kwh/day. Consumption was 4000++ kwh/month depending on the season prior to setting up shop. I have shed some consumption when I shed my ex-wife so last years comparisons aren't accurate for my household/my usage now. (sans op)

Should i be concerned about an automated metering system/cpu from my utility provider raising red flags?-figure a 50% increase in consumption--increasing in increments as I fill my trays. Or should it not be a problem. I actually considered putting in a pool/hottub to warrant the elecs. Just wasn't going to turn on that equipment-but its there if someone comes snooping and warrants an increase in my bill.
I am of course just paying my bill no pirating electrics or anything like that. Don't know if it makes a difference but I am in an area that has relatively large historic homes which are notoriously inefficient have owned for many years and I know I have neighbors with $600-800 elec bills (not mine but there are some monster houses around me) Just been feeling a bit paranoid now that things are starting to look like a productive, relatively sizeable grow:-(
BTW-I pay $.082/kwh from my elec co. I want your rates...5 effing cents/kwh is great.

would appreciate your input about the clones and I hope you can put my mind at ease with my other issue. Keep in mind I have broken no security rules when it came to my build or with the grow itself thus far.

Thanks man..........
mr. fuct
are these forums safe, now your going to say somthing like " if they werent, would i be using it?"
could anyone trace information you put here back to the user?

Only RIU admin has access to user data (eg IP addresses), but if you're nervous, you can access RIU with a proxy.

didnt you want a Rx8 a while back??
That's not a luxury car. ;)
im spending too much time here with you mr. fuct, this is not good....not good at all....:sad:
It does not bode well. :lol:

How yellow till you have to compost?
When they've lost all their leaves, or the growing tip is cooked, that's about the time to call it.
I have a few 8-10 out of the 60ish from my first batch that have roots and went to flower friday but are seriously deficient looking. I recognized that and foliar fed as well as getting them on the nutes immediately when moving to flower. Will these recover? If they recover will the plants yield be seriously impacted by the nute defs it is expending energy on now?
Plants which struggled when small will generally not yield well later on.

And my other question has to do with energy consumption/security concerns.

Consumption was 4000++ kwh/month depending on the season prior to setting up shop.
yow. :D

Should i be concerned about an automated metering system/cpu from my utility provider raising red flags?-figure a 50% increase in consumption--increasing in increments as I fill my trays. Or should it not be a problem. I actually considered putting in a pool/hottub to warrant the elecs. Just wasn't going to turn on that equipment-but its there if someone comes snooping and warrants an increase in my bill.
Computerised metering systems can record a number of things, from the basic kWh usage to usage pattern. Most if not all can be remotely queried. The only upside is there should be no meter readers nosing about. If I had my druthers, I'd rather have the plain old spinning disc in a glass jar. All the pwr co can get from that is the total kWh used since last read.
I am in an area that has relatively large historic homes which are notoriously inefficient have owned for many years and I know I have neighbors with $600-800 elec bills
That's worth more than you know. If your usage is not out of line with neighbouring dwellings, you blend in to the woodwork.

Still, power companies are not likely to audit your power usage history if you pay your bill on time- you're just a good customer.

Al did you ever look into disposing your fytocell in your garden like you talked about before?

Yes, I tilled about 20L of used Fytocell into my veg patch. It blends in fairly well but doesn't disappear totally; a few crumbs seem to find their way to the surface. I like its water retention improvement to the soil so much that I have planted a rather exxy Wollemi pine tree with half a bag of new Fytocell in some rather iffy, sandy/silty soil. Have also potted up some butternut pumpkin seedlings in soil mixed with new Fytocell. I wanted to grow some pumpkins along a fence but the ground along the fenceline was too rocky, so they had to go in containers. Let's see how the Fytocell goes preserving moisture for these heavy drinking plants through the upcoming summer.
to own a car is a luxury for some, but not for big al i guess:lol:

hey i just read the meter stuff, if the house has the old spinning meters, they dont know how much you use and when you use it?, only the total amount?
that means that the rate is fixed, and there is no such thing as off peak usage that they can moniter and trace to you, " well say there, youve used lots of watts at night, whats going on" ( i know, that was so gay, i dont want to stop, think and type, think and type).
if thats the case, it would be fine to run anywhere from 2-4 lights plus some extra , in after work hours, so that no meter man would see the thing spinning fast. how can i get a report of power consumption in the neighborhood?
and wtf is a proxy?

A proxy hides your IP information. So, let's take me for example. I have a job, where and what isn't important.....while at work, if I want to read this forum, I use one of the free proxies in the link I listed above. That way my employer, if they were to look, sees a proxy site in my URL history, instead of a marijuana growing site. If you wanted to do what I call "internet cloaking" it's the way to fly. If you are concerned with hiding ish from your ISP, it works as well but I really wouldn't be worried about it at home.
Hey Al,

Saw a headline that said SE Aus (Adelaide maybe) is making it illegal to purchase and possess Hydro equip unless there is a valid agri-purpose for it (I know I consider what we do as valid ag-work, hell its trickier than dealing with 300 acres of soil grown ornamentals in my opinion). This was from back in June/July. You know anything about this? Are laws there similar to the archaic laws we deal with in the US?
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