Trump will shut down the USA

Walls getting built brother.
How much has been built so far then? Construction on any new sections have barely started. With the extra cost of steel (due to a Trade war...) the cost will blow right out.
And Mexico is not paying for it.
Walls getting built brother.
Not under Trump's Presidency, at least.
1 out 3 Americans support buildingt the wall, and Vincente Fox (former President of Mexico) said famously "we are not going to pay for your fucking wall"
Well, it seems that the majority of Americans also don't want to pay for what is Trump doing?
It appears to me that Trump is trying to shove his wall down the throats of the vast majority of American citizens.
Fuck him, and his Cracker Barrel supporters.
We will see in the end if it (his "Great Wall") get's built (Mueller comes to mind)

Yes! We could just open the border and let everyone in. Could there be any negative or unintended consequences to our country from this policy?
I want them in good shape when they take your job and do it better.

I see negative consequences from you but we still let your parents in. It's a bit of a crap shoot. That's the American Dream. Some people work hard and raise good kids that contribute to society and some, like your parents, see their kids grow up to be Nazi assholes.
I want them in good shape when they take your job and do it better.

I see negative consequences from you but we still let your parents in. It's a bit of a crap shoot. That's the American Dream. Some people work hard and raise good kids that contribute to society and some, like your parents, see their kids grow up to be Nazi assholes.
Your hyperbole is precious. You are special.
C'mon man!!
I did.
I burnt one, ate some Doritos and laughed.
I watched it, because I really wanted to know if she was like something else, beside being a fat, ugly, one drifty eyed cunt (I know/that's harsh/fuck it).
So now I know she is the mother of 3 spawn, and still a liar.
I don’t watch nazi propaganda
The Democrats should stand firm and not give him billions to build a wall he claimed Mexico would fund

if you listened to what they said, they are willing to give him what they gave him last year and not a penny more.

it's been noted he hasn't even made a dent in what he was given in last year's budget as well.

so far, he's gotten wall swatches and concertina wire.
can you just tell me what was said. I trust your interpretation
She said Melaena loves Trump deeply and they have great sex.
She said Trump is an undiscovered genius that is in the process of saving America, but most (all?) don't get it yet
Oh, she said that she herself is a good person that is misunderstood.
What else could you expect from that lying hag?