Trump will shut down the USA

I ate some stirfry veggies last night, some spinach, onion, carrot, simple unadventurous things that I can actually chew long enough to swallow.
I do like me some gem squash with sweetcorn stuffing and cheese melted over though. I generally don't mind pumpkins and things along those family lines.

Ketchup is weird, and not very popular here, we use Koo tomato sauce, which is much less sweet. Noone even uses the word ketchup.
I ate some stirfry veggies last night, some spinach, onion, carrot, simple unadventurous things that I can actually chew long enough to swallow.
I do like me some gem squash with sweetcorn stuffing and cheese melted over though. I generally don't mind pumpkins and things along those family lines.

Ketchup is weird, and not very popular here, we use Koo tomato sauce, which is much less sweet. Noone even uses the word ketchup.

we've been having to eat crappy store bought veggies the last month or so as we've pretty much gone through all of the garden grown goodies over the summer.. i'd imagine you're getting into growing season in your part of the world now, and have some good stuff to look forward to shortly.
She said Melaena loves Trump deeply and they have great sex.
She said Trump is an undiscovered genius that is in the process of saving America, but most (all?) don't get it yet
Oh, she said that she herself is a good person that is misunderstood.
What else could you expect from that lying hag?

How many Democrats in congress fight as hard for democratic policy positions like Medicare-for-all, a new green New Deal, a living wage, etc., as Trump does for the wall? He says he's going to shut down the government and blame it on the Democrats because they won't give him what he wants, and 35% of the country is going to see it his way automatically. Democrats never do this. They never take the offensive and make the case for insanely popular policies. They're feckless,weak and corrupt, we need new Democratic leadership in both the Senate and the House.