Hot Diggity Sog - Chapter 5: The Big One

Haha it's better than the shitty phone pics I take
My wife has agreed to do a professional photo shoot for me this week sometime. I'm not sure how it's going to turn out but she used to be a pro before we started a family. It didnt start out all that well, however. The 1st time I brought her into the room was when I went from 8 quantum boards to 16 and she about fainted by how bright it was. I guess Im just used to
My wife has agreed to do a professional photo shoot for me this week sometime. I'm not sure how it's going to turn out but she used to be a pro before we started a family. It didnt start out all that well, however. The 1st time I brought her into the room was when I went from 8 quantum boards to 16 and she about fainted by how bright it was. I guess Im just used to
I have a couple professional photographers in my family I just don't have the eye for it. Yeah anyone I show a quantum board to is shocked and seeing stars haha
(16 x 60) = 960 of quantum board watts.
315W CMH up on top
1275 watts total.
I'm interested to see your grams per watt not that it's the best standered but its something easy to compare.

Or a better way would be to use kilowatt hours used because one growing in 5 months and another growing in 3 but harvesting 1g per watt each have actually had much different grows in time and especially cost.
I'm interested to see your grams per watt not that it's the best standered but its something easy to compare.

Or a better way would be to use kilowatt hours used because one growing in 5 months and another growing in 3 but harvesting 1g per watt each have actually had much different grows in time and especially cost.

I've thought about this as well a bit. You also need to consider he didn't have all the lights going from the start
tbh though I don't expect the g/watt to be great, I expect some kind of diminishing returns when you have this much light on 1 plant (no idea but I'm just guessing)

but honestly I have no idea how much bud is on that plant, it is so hard to judge because of how thicc that bush is
My wife has agreed to do a professional photo shoot for me this week sometime. I'm not sure how it's going to turn out but she used to be a pro before we started a family. It didnt start out all that well, however. The 1st time I brought her into the room was when I went from 8 quantum boards to 16 and she about fainted by how bright it was. I guess Im just used to
Seems a natural progression after A guy gets his room dialed in. The next step is getting your photo on the cover of rolling stone! Good work.
I can already tell my grams per watt will be terrible. This was just me trying to grow one plant the most ridiculous way I could and to get my feet wet with LED's. I probably won't ever be doing a grow this like again. But damn it's been fun!
Sure, I'm not sure what you're looking for specifically but there are a lot of articles on CEA. Even on google scholar. I can get to a lot more databases through a subscription service that I belong to. Fascinating stuff. CEA mass production level strategies, how they manage crops large scale. The knowledge those people have is invaluable to us. Nearly everything is directly applicable, and they grow crops for money so they're going to choose what works best to remain profitable.

"light and crop management"

"light management"

EDIT: let me know if I'm clogging up your thread hot.
Thank you! Effects of light source... LED's => lower leaf temps compared to HPS

From the Abstract:
In a near-worst case scenario of water stress and low wind, our model indicates that leaves would increase 6°, 8°, 10°, and 12°C above air temperature under field, LED, greenhouse, and HPS scenarios, respectively. Because LED fixtures emit much of their heat through convection rather than radiative cooling, they result in slightly cooler leaf temperatures than leaves in greenhouses and under HPS fixtures, but the effect of LED technology on leaf temperature is smaller than is often assumed.

From the Conclusions:
The presented model indicates that the use of LED technology reduces leaf temperature by about 1.3°C compared to HPS technology under typical, indoor growing conditions. While this is a significant difference for some applications, the difference is smaller than the difference between indoor and outdoor leaves. Because of differences in net longwave radiation, a leaf in a controlled environment will be warmer than a leaf in the field under a clear sky, assuming equal PPF and similar environmental conditions. In conditions where leaves benefit from heating, such as a greenhouse in a cool climate, HPS technology more effectively transfers heat to canopies.
Day 144
Flowering - Day 65
T-Minus 8 days

Nearing the finish line. Started checking trichomes with my loupe and we're not ready yet. Have a fair amount of milky but still quite a bit of clear. 8 more days might not be enough. I can go as long as 76 or 77 days but I can't really go any more than that due to life stuff. Hopefully she'll finish! I've always had trouble chopping too early and I'm dead set on not getting impatient this time. I feel like I got some good pics this post. I tried to get some good shots of the bottom to show off her girth and density. Hopefully that comes across. The very last picture is a closeup but it's a lot larger than what I usually post. It's extra special so be sure to click on it to make it full size!

1.jpg 10.jpg 8.jpg 9.jpg 4.jpg 2.jpg Closeup1.jpg Closeup2.jpg Big Closeup.jpg
There are ways to force it if it's not where you want it. Never tried not even sure how but I know it's possible but not looked upon positively.
I'm cool just letting it play out. I could harvest now and not be disappointed. I always start my timers for flowering at 11:45 on, 12:15 off just to give me a margin of error since I use cheap timers. I dropped it to 11:30 on, 12:30 off half way thru and then dropped it another 15 minutes a week or two ago to 11:15 on, 12:45 off.
Well, my two cents is that you will have more die off in the next week or two. That green will fade.
Let em go as long as you can man! Looking awesome!