LSD Dosage Effects - Tolerance

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Justice_Fish from said:
There it is:

20 mics- threshold, and some people see visuals, some dont. I personally do very easily.

30 mics- threshold, same

40 mics- obviously tripping a little bit but again, some people wouldnt see visuals.

60 mics- = The typical low quality blotter. Tripping, but in my opinion nothing like even one gram of shrooms. It makes for a good time though. Lasts longer than a gram of shrooms.

90 mics- This is where it starts getting weird, because it is most certainly more intense for some people than a gram of mushrooms.

110 mics- like a gram and a half of mushrooms. A hit of some really good lsd.

150 mics-This is the main dosage people try to shoot for if they are not that experienced to get LSD's effects without freaking out. This dose is usually 1-2 hits of good, legit LSD.
Effects are a lot like 110 micrograms but more profound.
For alot of people this is quite amazing and intense.
(incraments I mention will stay the same but the effects of upping it 50 mics becomes more intense than above the line.

200 mics- equal to about an 8th of mushrooms, (or more for some people).

250 mics- scares the living daylights out of some people, yet some people handle it really well, This is the dose at which I have witnessed someone become very confused. He could "see" but he didnt know where he was(in his best friends driveway). When the comedown started, he was fine, and he became a rockstar. It was one of the best experiences of his life. (thats what I get for tripping with people around for the first time in a long while) Me and one friend had to talk this guy down for about a half hour.
much like an 8th of mushrooms.

300 mics- your getting into heavy territory. Still not considered by most to be a heavy dose, but thats only because they know where most people including themselves draw the line if they are experienced.
Its alot like 250 mics.

400 mics- most people would never take this much unless they knew the acid they have in their possesion and really wanted to get pretty far out there.
This is why you dont see 200+ mic hits around.

500 mics- pretty much where even some of the most experienced people draw the line. Your vision is almost completely enveloped by fractal patterns, and if you were to stare at some pavement or something, it looks like you can see to the end of eternity. Miles and miles of visual depth.

700 mics- most people who talk of taking a ten strip usually dont have very potent acid(though it is good), so 550 to 700 is where they end up. This is also where "more acid" becomes less important because the effects are very similar to an even higher dose.

1000 mics- Most people will never go there. If you had a "two hits and you are floored" type of lsd, or 100 mics and up hits, this is where a ten strip would put you. You basically cant see anything but visuals, your mind as a whole is infinately connected with its self and your external environment. Amazing things happen on this dose no matter what. It would scare most people shitless. Some people will think they are dieing. Many would end up dialing 911 if they were alone and could read the numbers on the phone.

1500 mics- is almost exactly like 1700 mics. 1700 mics being the most I have ever done. Very few people have used this much lsd. It is VERY psychologically dangerous for some people to do this. You can no longer really see your own hand in front of your face. Your cognition and vision are both bathed in the same light. Some people forget to breath frequently, and id imagine alot of people would pass out.
You will loose your ego.

A dose 700 mics and above will show anyone some very profound things.
Doses like 500 mics and above have changed many lives in both positive and negative ways. Still, it is no more threatening than mushrooms. So dont get me wrong.
You are welcome, divine One.

May I inquiry on how You came about these posts?
If not, I understand.

I used to really enjoy trippin when I was younger but as I got older and had more responsibilities I lost track of my buddies and fell out of the circles.. I would kinda live vicariously through your posts.. then I put the feelers out and linked up with a really cool deadhead and the rest is history right? I tripped balls that first night but since then have been much more responsible lol.. mostly micro-low level doses. It's done me good though, thanks again for the great reports!
Does anyone know the difference between LSD-25 and all the other lsd crystals ?


This thread is dedicated to all talk on LSD types, crystals, and quality.


It seems there is SO many different kinds of LSD going around. Varying types.^
And they all literally do have different effects even though they have the same LSD effects. ~Meaning a higher quality LSD type will last longer, giving more potent/saturated visuals, and all in all better quality of the whole experience. White fluff has been known to give more desirable / positive effects than other LSD.

Back in 2011,
there was talk going around that WoW doses being AT LEAST 100 micrograms. After testing lsd-25 compared to those experiences/doses, these numbers do not add up...
ONE single hit of lsd-25 [1/4 by 1/4 inch] feels like 4-6 doses [150 micrograms] from back in 2011. Thinking that particular acid back then was extremely potent. [when it really only was around 20-60 micrograms. true 100 if You knew sources then]... Sure, it was white fluff AND needlepoint then....but not the blank WoW going around now.

It also seems with lsd-25, there isn't much of a tolerance loss, compared to low quality blotters [20-60 microgram doses]. Meaning One can have a great 95 microgram trip on LSD-25 with no tolerance and after coming down, sleeping and waking up the next day, taking the same dose will give almost the same effects and there will be a slight tolerance. But if One were to take true low quality blotters [20-60 micrograms] and have a 100 microgram trip, and eat the same dose the next day, the effects will be so bleak and dulled down, You will have to eat more product [2-5x more] to get to the same state of mind. Especially if combined with other psychoactive like psilocybin mushrooms, dmt, MDMA, MDA, and even ketamine. These combos will diminish LSD effects with tolerance, dramatically.

Higher quality LSD most certainly can increase the dangerous attributes
that are unfortunately associated with LSD.

LSD is not for everyone and should be used with care;
and to be handled with the utmost respect and wisdom.
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I used to really enjoy trippin when I was younger but as I got older and had more responsibilities I lost track of my buddies and fell out of the circles.. I would kinda live vicariously through your posts.. then I put the feelers out and linked up with a really cool deadhead and the rest is history right? I tripped balls that first night but since then have been much more responsible lol.. mostly micro-low level doses. It's done me good though, thanks again for the great reports!
It feels good to bring it back, doesnt' it Mate?

It's curious to wonder what exact piece of literature instigated You to find some more dosages.
And I could not agree more, man. The rest IS all history and much more to come.

It's good to know other LSD users out there are being responsible.
Isn't that what We want, man?! "SHALL WE GO YOU AND I WHILE WE CAN"?!

It is My pleasure; think nothing of it.
LSD synthesis is a lot like a DMT extraction; with or without the exception of certain steps.

So You've got Your unknown amount of plant / fungus material that contains the psychedelic substances precursor. Then You extract the DMT or synthesize the LSD with other unknown chemicals / molecules.
Once the first step of the process has evaporated; You are left with an LSD tartrate or DMT crystals.

Depending on how many times You do this process will determine the quality AND potency.
Not to mention, You can literally see it; let alone feel it.

Some say You can go "further" with unprocessed DMT crystals.
Crystals that range from colours i.e. red, orange, yellow, brown...etc.
LSD is the same; with quality and type of experience. Potency is harder to judge. But it obvious that higher quality DMT and LSD have a more saturated quality in effects and are obviously more sought out after. Perhaps One can go "further" with lower quality LSD crystals too?

Not too sure though; if there are names for certain types of qualities of dimethyltryptamine.

Also 'white lightening' was a type of white fluff
that only a few batches were created in the early 70s and late 60s.
^ ^ ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ . ^

The good ol' 1 hit of lsd "will do the 'trick'".
100 micrograms is simply TOO MUCH ! ! !

LSD is one of the most healing compounds known to man, to date.
However, it has been taken advantage of...

"They" say the average hit of lsd is around 75-125 micrograms...

First of all... HOW THE FRIG AM I SUPPOSED WEIGH THAT?!?!? How am I supposed to know the exact amount that I am about to consume ? How the heck am I supposed to know the exact amount of acid on this small square piece of paper OR liquid?! There is no way to tell... However, there are people out there who have gone through many trials and tribulations to show You how to correctly eat this healing substance.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MICRODOSING ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I'm not some neuroscientist with a fancy degree but if I didn't know any better... I think We may be starting Our LSD journeys a little too fast . . .
No wonder people are freaking out ! ! !

Please check out the thread - The Effects of Tripping
^ ^ ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ . ^
Since LSD is such a profound and powerful substance; LSD can drain One's energy quickly and not to mention; manifest One's own motives. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, preserving Your energy, and keeping a steady composure combats the negative side effects of LSD hang overs. The higher the dosage, the more likely of a chance to experience LSD's side effects. Mixing other drugs with LSD will increase the negative side effects as well.
Note: Higher quality acid most certainly can escalate the dangerous attributes that are associated with LSD.

And if LSD's effects weren't strong enough...
Mixing any anti depressant, anti psychotic and/or any SSRI will in fact increase LSD's effects so much to a degree that it could literally and potentially make someone trip FOR DAYS... If not, weeks. Just some food for insight.
^ ^ ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ . ^

The good ol' 1 hit of lsd "will do the 'trick'".
100 micrograms is simply TOO MUCH ! ! !

LSD is one of the most healing compounds known to man, to date.
However, it has been taken advantage of...

"They" say the average hit of lsd is around 75-125 micrograms...

First of all... HOW THE FRIG AM I SUPPOSED WEIGH THAT?!?!? How am I supposed to know the exact amount that I am about to consume ? How the heck am I supposed to know the exact amount of acid on this small square piece of paper OR liquid?! There is no way to tell... However, there are people out there who have gone through many trials and tribulations to show You how to correctly eat this healing substance.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MICRODOSING ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I'm not some neuroscientist with a fancy degree but if I didn't know any better... I think We may be starting Our LSD journeys a little too fast . . .
No wonder people are freaking out ! ! !

Please check out the thread - The Effects of Tripping
^ ^ ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ . ^

well I wouldn't say 100 mics is too much, but it is a solid standard dose.
if the hippies are doing their job right,
1 gram of lsd gets dissolved into 10,000 hits. 10 10 packs. 1000 sheets. 100 mics per hit, give or take.

that's why whenever you hear someone talking about " these hits have 200 mics bla bla bla ", you almost know they are bullshitting. the people that laid the acid would have to dissolve 2 GRAMS of crystal lsd into the same amount of liquid. that is another 1000 sheets they could have sold separately for profit. do the math.
No. Orange sunshine, the real thing, was in orange flat sided or domed pills (I don't recall which). We could carefully slice one in half but few did. It was so good that many insisted that it was not LSD at all but some other "new" chemical. Of course we now know that it was tim scully and his associate (I think he had one then). That made it.

We still get the pills, look kinda like little barrels. They are 325 mics and half of one will have you glowing and easily enjoying yourself in a crowd, a whole one is fun too but make sure you are with friends.. Even then I found myself wandering the wrong way out of a show, but was a needed walk for the 3 of us to reconnect to this realm...

Much more mellow trip for me on them...
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