But...but....you get 5 plants - and FREE shipping for $750! They're practically giving them away.$750 my a$$ ... talk about a cash grab
But...but....you get 5 plants - and FREE shipping for $750! They're practically giving them away.
I think the idea is to dissuade new patients from growing. If they think that is their only source and price, they may decide it's cheaper to just buy it.so it costs me literally pennies to make a clone which leads to the question of wtf do they think they're selling
True ...I think the idea is to dissuade new patients from growing. If they think that is their only source and price, they may decide it's cheaper to just buy it.
Agreed but calling them out on it and making them look like the fools they are publicly goes further. If the ENTIRE thread that legalization is woven from is the premise of keeping children safe by eliminating the black market, they're either willfully ignorant or incredibly stupid. As a multimillion-dollar company I wouldn't think that either of those two titles would be great to choose from....Let them do whatever they want. There are thousands of folks country wide who happily give away clones and seeds everyday. Many being better genetics then any LP clown shit. Fuck em all and laugh while doing it is my moto.
Nope they don't care about their personal perception. But they do very much care about money and the lack of it coming in due to a bad name or image as viewed by the public and consumer. If I found out someone was over charging to the tune of 30X what it should go for, I'd never deal with them and I'd be sure to tell everyone I knew. That's why in business or marketing they tell you that for every one customer they have, they'll tell another ten about your product. You don't call out the company in hopes they'll change, you call them out so the public hears about it. In this day and age of social media and access to information, it takes minutes to spread the word and the reach goes far beyond a persons close group of friends.Why even bother calling them out on it? and calling them out how? online, where everyone is calling out someone for something. I would rather hand someone a clone or some beans then bitch about some greedy fucking goofs in suits. Trying to find logic in the insanity that is this system is a losing game and a waste of energy. They couldn't control shit before we were "allowed" to do shit. Now they have no hope. Enjoy it is all I am saying. Let them charge whatever the fuck they want. Just make sure you do whatever you can to make sure people do not have to consider it.
They don't give a fuck about how they are perceived. It is business. Fuck a title. This is one product people can actually undermine with and for morally and ethically just reasons.
So ya, fuck em with a smile lol