silicaI measured my tapwater to 5.5. What do you guys use to increase your ph? I use soil btw. So I want to get it up to 6.5. I aerate about 10 liters at a time
Do you know what the ec is of your water or what is making your waters pH so low?I measured my tapwater to 5.5. What do you guys use to increase your ph? I use soil btw. So I want to get it up to 6.5. I aerate about 10 liters at a time
Damn that’s some low ph tap water! Is that city water? But like everyone said ph up general hydroponics cheap and easy.I measured my tapwater to 5.5. What do you guys use to increase your ph? I use soil btw. So I want to get it up to 6.5. I aerate about 10 liters at a time
I don't know your area your're in, but around me there are areas with high levels of hydrogen sulfide in the ground water.Sound advice. I do not know the reason why its that low. I live in the country side. Might contact the watercompany and inquire how they treat the water.
O.k. let's see where do we start. First if you want to do it the proper way. It's a lot more steps, but in the end you will have peace of mind. Go to Amazon buy you a ph starter kit. They come complete with everything single thing required. Yes it's going to cost a good little investment. Well worth every penny trust me. Next always have heavy duty scissors. Clean purified water is best. If you can afford it don't be waste full with it though. Recycle a good quality container. I use 1 gallon container keep it full to one gallon. Or extra water for the next feeding so you don't have to PH over again. Next with the scissors cut some empty water bottles top 3 inches below lid cap. To set your dropper pippettes inside one for nutes. One for ph up and or down. Two different dropper pippettes. All this comes with kit. Now fill small vial container it comes with halfway with water. Put 3 drops of PH tester solution. Place lid shake follow PH color indicator chart should say 6.5 PH let's say. O.k. your good now add nutrients to water. How ever much your water you plan on feeding with. Next put your nutrient water mix into small vial container again. Add 3 drops of PH tester solution. Shake now let's say PH is 4.0. Let's slowly bring it up 6.5 not going overboard. So dump nutrient with tester solution. Into unused empty water bottle or something. An put a tiny amount of water into container vial. Shake to get it clean. So PH won't get thrown off. Next put one drop of PH up into nutrient water mix your going to be using (shake). An recheck PH with PH tester solution. It's showing 5.0 this time. So reclean vial container again with tiny amount of clean water. An this time if one drop brought ph up from 4.0 to 5.0. Add 2 drops one tiny drop and normal drop. An test it. Should come out right at 6.5. Now your ready to feed your plant. After you feed your plant. Reclean vial container. Get the dropper pippette put runoff from pot. Into vial container check PH. It should be at 6.5. That's why dolomite lime in soil prehand, is a good stabilizer. An you should be all set no worries keep working area an tools clean. An clean up well after your done for next time. Rinse an dry everythingI measured my tapwater to 5.5. What do you guys use to increase your ph? I use soil btw. So I want to get it up to 6.5. I aerate about 10 liters at a time
Purified waters don't hold any pH value well, once mixed with nutrient. No buffers to help balance pH.Here’s another alternative though it may not be the most efficient. Go buy some water the store. 1 gallon of purified and 1 gallon of spring water. If the pH is over 7 on those just mix with your tap until you get where you want. The pH on both of those are high in my area so it works. It’s only ~$1 per gallon in stores and can be obtained easier than ordering chems online or going to your hydro store. It’ll also likely be better for your soil life.