The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

If Donald is impeached he will be tried in the senate with the chief justice of the SCOTUS presiding and he has no defense whatsoever against these charges. This will put tremendous pressure on the GOP senators to vote to convict, the evidence in this case alone is overwhelming and it's gonna be very difficult for anybody in the senate to vote not guilty and survive politically. This is gonna put the GOP senate in one Helluva pickle, they will be damned by the voters if they fail to convict and primaried by the base of Trumper loonies if they do!

Neal Katyal: President Trump Is ‘Wigging Out’ & Without A Defense Anymore | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Trump is defending himself against allegations he broke the law, particularly in the wake of the news that Michael Cohen is going to jail. Former Acting U.S. Solicitor General Neal Katyal joins to discuss.
Mental Health Experts on Donald Trump • BRAVE NEW FILMS
In our latest film, "Mental Health Experts on Donald Trump," leading mental health experts speak out on the world’s most dangerous man, President Donald Trump.

Our president has incited his followers to violence, consistently misconstrues reality, brags about his sexual assaults, and is unable to respond calmly to any criticism. He has the nuclear codes, has threatened to use them, and taunts hostile nations about the size of his button.

Trump’s recent cognitive test was a sham. Everyone who has access to the nuclear codes must pass physical and mental readiness according to the Nuclear Personnel Reliability Program, everyone except the president. The experts agree - we need a nonpartisan expert panel to assess Trump’s mental fitness.
Mental Health Experts on Donald Trump • BRAVE NEW FILMS
In our latest film, "Mental Health Experts on Donald Trump," leading mental health experts speak out on the world’s most dangerous man, President Donald Trump.

Our president has incited his followers to violence, consistently misconstrues reality, brags about his sexual assaults, and is unable to respond calmly to any criticism. He has the nuclear codes, has threatened to use them, and taunts hostile nations about the size of his button.

Trump’s recent cognitive test was a sham. Everyone who has access to the nuclear codes must pass physical and mental readiness according to the Nuclear Personnel Reliability Program, everyone except the president. The experts agree - we need a nonpartisan expert panel to assess Trump’s mental fitness.

but that's why we're safe- he's the need to be able to read 10 pages of intense instruction and have a 2nd person to initiate.

i mean he can't even EM..get real people.

he has a Twitter app on his Jitterbug..ever dl an app and it doesn't work? he has to have basic knowledge how to run an OS or iOS.
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Jesus! Is there anything related to Trump that isn't corrupt? Ya don't need to only impeach this piece of shit, but flush him down history's toilet as well. Christ he probably has stolen the WH silverware and paintings, have they fired the person who keeps track of the inventory yet?
Wall Street Journal: Trump inaugural committee under criminal investigation

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's 2017 inaugural committee is currently being investigated by federal prosecutors in New York for possible financial abuses related to the more than $100 million in donations raised for the event, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

Citing conversations with people familiar with the investigation, which is being handled by the US Attorney's office in Manhattan, the Journal reported that prosecutors are also looking into whether the committee accepted donations from individuals looking to gain influence or access to the new administration.
The paper notes that "giving money in exchange for political favors" is illegal, as is misuse of any donated funds. The committee was registered as a nonprofit.

According to the Journal, sources told the paper that the investigation "partly arises out of materials seized in the federal probe of former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's business dealings."

WSJ: Trump inaugural committee under investigation
This is where the real crimes are hidden. It was the first thing he rushed to place off limits to the Mueller probe.
I found this amusing, dunno where the Trump base is getting their TV news now...
These folks are starting to get reality checked in a way that's becoming hard to ignore, even FOX is turning on Trump now.

Can the Crucifixion of Cheeto Jesus be far off?

Fox News Analyst Hits Trump's Latest Tweet With A Blistering Fact-Check

Andrew McCarthy warns Trump about a word he keeps using.
There’s a word President Donald Trump keeps using to describe his former longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen.

Cohen was sentenced last week to three years in prison after pleading guilty to numerous criminal charges and is now cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

According to Trump, that makes his ex-lawyer a “rat.”
well...rat seems to be an appropriate term to's supposed to be someone turning evidence against a criminal individual or organization.....isn't that exactly what Cohen is?
He is a "witness" for the state, Mafia/Guilty people call them "Rats".
well, i meant from trump's point of view....but know what? call a Rattus Rattus a Rattus Norvegicus , and it's still a Rat....
"witness for the state" implies that he's a good guy, whose doing this all because it's the right thing to do...Cohen is doing no such thing...he's a fuck who worked for a bigger fuck, and did shit he knew full well that he shouldn't be doing....and when he got caught, he a rat....
so it seems a pretty appropriate appellation to me
don't get me wrong, i'm glad Cohen turned, i hope he pukes out every detail in his rotten little brain.....but call a Rattus a Rattus
If Cohen serves up Trumps's head on a silver platter and helps get rid of the cocksucker as POTUS, it's worth a free pass. Lots of other mafia "rats" got better deals for a lot less, saving the country from Trump is worth a lot and as Rudy says, "He didn't kill anybody or rob anybody...".

The thing about Cohen is the tons of documents and half a dozen cellphones (with recordings) the Feds took from his office and home. This will be the source of a world of hurt for Trump and his family, they already have spun the inauguration corruption investigation out of it.

17 different state, municipal and federal entities are investigating Trump on a dozen different fronts now and the new congress is yet to begin investigating and oversight! Almost every organization he has ever overseen as an adult is under investigation. He doesn't even have the shadow of a legal team to deal with it all and has no defense against most of the slam dunk cases anyway.
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If Cohen serves up Trumps's head on a silver platter and helps get rid of the cocksucker as POTUS, it's worth a free pass. Lots of other mafia "rats" got better deals for a lot less, saving the country from Trump is worth a lot and as Rudy says, "He didn't kill anybody or rob anybody...".

The thing about Cohen is the tons of documents and half a dozen cellphones (with recordings) the Feds took from his office and home. This will be the source of a world of hurt for Trump and his family, they already have spun the inauguration corruption investigation out of it.

17 different state, municipal and federal entities are investigating Trump on a dozen different fronts now and the new congress is yet to begin investigating and oversight! Almost every organization he has ever overseen as an adult is under investigation. He doesn't even have the shadow of a legal team to deal with it all and has no defense against most of the slam dunk cases anyway.

i'm going to disagree about the 'rob anybody' see Trump U $25M settlement. Fact.
all this just illustrates to me that there are a lot of fucking idiots in America. (and the rest of the world)....trump is nothing but a bullshit talking fucking con man. that's all he's ever been, and all he'll ever be. 100 years ago he would have been selling snake oil from the back of a wagon, and don and eric would have been shilling in the crowd....
i've said it before, and i'll say it again....there needs to be a test before people are allowed to vote. you have to have at least a rudimentary awareness of the situation, before your opinion matters...if you're voting from fuck the rest of us....
one standardized test that all people who want to vote must pass before they're allowed to....with a few simple questions about the candidates, and their platforms. if you can't don't deserve to vote. Rights come with Responsibilities.....but it seems like people don't like that second part....everyone wants their "rights"...but none of these dumbass bastards wants to take any responsibility for themselves and their choices....
all this just illustrates to me that there are a lot of fucking idiots in America. (and the rest of the world)....trump is nothing but a bullshit talking fucking con man. that's all he's ever been, and all he'll ever be. 100 years ago he would have been selling snake oil from the back of a wagon, and don and eric would have been shilling in the crowd....
i've said it before, and i'll say it again....there needs to be a test before people are allowed to vote. you have to have at least a rudimentary awareness of the situation, before your opinion matters...if you're voting from fuck the rest of us....
one standardized test that all people who want to vote must pass before they're allowed to....with a few simple questions about the candidates, and their platforms. if you can't don't deserve to vote. Rights come with Responsibilities.....but it seems like people don't like that second part....everyone wants their "rights"...but none of these dumbass bastards wants to take any responsibility for themselves and their choices....

You're absolutely correct ...

and I said the same thing after Nixon was reelected! :lol:

You're absolutely correct ...

and I said the same thing after Nixon was reelected! :lol:

and you were absolutely right.
a lot of people claim Robert Heinlein was a closet fascist, but i think he had it right in starship troopers. you don't get to vote until you earn it. through military or civil service, or at the very least, being aware of the situations you're about to vote about...