How to catch a jar thief?


Well-Known Member
Need a way to catch a guy that keeps stealing buds out of quart jars. Want to have invisible ink that turns blue and cant get off or something that goes all over him. This guy is stealing from a close friend of mine over and over and my friend is fed up with it but wants to catch him red handed.

Anybody got any good ideas that are realistically possible to do?
Ohh, move the jars

Remove all the jars but one and spray with red pepper

Game cam

Can of old fashion whoop ass

Say please don't steal my weed

A sign that says one of these jars has been sprayed with XXX I know which jar, but do you.

Two cans of old fashion whoop ass!!!!
paint grenade, tape it to the bottom with a string to the handle and pin......instant tell all

p.s just move the shit out of there first......
Great ideas guys, thanks!

On the beating the thiefs ass my buddies more of a non aggressive type where I'd just confront the guy. Ive always thought the thief was a shady shit head that I keep my distance from but my buddy is more of a people person that tries to give people benefit of doubt but now he's fed up with dude always stealing buds. At first it was barely noticeable but now dude is taking way to much.
Great ideas guys, thanks!

On the beating the thiefs ass my buddies more of a non aggressive type where I'd just confront the guy. Ive always thought the thief was a shady shit head that I keep my distance from but my buddy is more of a people person that tries to give people benefit of doubt but now he's fed up with dude always stealing buds. At first it was barely noticeable but now dude is taking way to much.

Hopefully your friend learns his lesson about who he spends his time with. Good luck
Is this a roommate or something? How does thief have access to the jars?
My buddy leaves the jars out not expecting things to disappear. He's not a roommate, they have known each other 20 years. Guy just stops buy grabs something and my buddy is scatter brain normally and realizes his shits missing once dude leaves and it keeps happening.