The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

ever wonder exactly what kind of things have happened to trump supports during their lives to make them the way they are?
when i look at trump, i see a huckster, a con man, a used car salesman in a plaid polyester sports coat, with white bucks and a white belt...
a lying, hateful, frightened, mean spirited spiteful little fuck....
when they look at trump....i can only imagine they see something vastly different....but i can't quite visualize what it is they see...saint trump? trump the misunderstood? someone who would shake the establishment up.....well, they got that, but i doubt in the way they wanted.
every day of his presidency has made me hate him more. anything at all "good" that he has achieved has been an accident, fortunate fallout from his fuckery.....and yet these people continue to support him, no matter how many shameful facts...undeniable facts, come to light.
they refuse to believe the truth, claim it's all lies, that he's being framed, that it's a witch do you argue with that level of....i'd like to say stupidity..but i think insanity is more accurate.
ever wonder exactly what kind of things have happened to trump supports during their lives to make them the way they are?
when i look at trump, i see a huckster, a con man, a used car salesman in a plaid polyester sports coat, with white bucks and a white belt...
a lying, hateful, frightened, mean spirited spiteful little fuck....
when they look at trump....i can only imagine they see something vastly different....but i can't quite visualize what it is they see...saint trump? trump the misunderstood? someone who would shake the establishment up.....well, they got that, but i doubt in the way they wanted.
every day of his presidency has made me hate him more. anything at all "good" that he has achieved has been an accident, fortunate fallout from his fuckery.....and yet these people continue to support him, no matter how many shameful facts...undeniable facts, come to light.
they refuse to believe the truth, claim it's all lies, that he's being framed, that it's a witch do you argue with that level of....i'd like to say stupidity..but i think insanity is more accurate.

You're absolutely correct ...

and I said the same thing about Nixon, Reagan, and both Bushes! :lol:

ever wonder exactly what kind of things have happened to trump supports during their lives to make them the way they are?
when i look at trump, i see a huckster, a con man, a used car salesman in a plaid polyester sports coat, with white bucks and a white belt...
a lying, hateful, frightened, mean spirited spiteful little fuck....
when they look at trump....i can only imagine they see something vastly different....but i can't quite visualize what it is they see...saint trump? trump the misunderstood? someone who would shake the establishment up.....well, they got that, but i doubt in the way they wanted.
every day of his presidency has made me hate him more. anything at all "good" that he has achieved has been an accident, fortunate fallout from his fuckery.....and yet these people continue to support him, no matter how many shameful facts...undeniable facts, come to light.
they refuse to believe the truth, claim it's all lies, that he's being framed, that it's a witch do you argue with that level of....i'd like to say stupidity..but i think insanity is more accurate.

You ever watch all star wrestling (advertising)? The promoters are working the numbers.
ever wonder exactly what kind of things have happened to trump supports during their lives to make them the way they are?
when i look at trump, i see a huckster, a con man, a used car salesman in a plaid polyester sports coat, with white bucks and a white belt...
a lying, hateful, frightened, mean spirited spiteful little fuck....
when they look at trump....i can only imagine they see something vastly different....but i can't quite visualize what it is they see...saint trump? trump the misunderstood? someone who would shake the establishment up.....well, they got that, but i doubt in the way they wanted.
every day of his presidency has made me hate him more. anything at all "good" that he has achieved has been an accident, fortunate fallout from his fuckery.....and yet these people continue to support him, no matter how many shameful facts...undeniable facts, come to light.
they refuse to believe the truth, claim it's all lies, that he's being framed, that it's a witch do you argue with that level of....i'd like to say stupidity..but i think insanity is more accurate.

"Winning" is everything to them. It doesn't matter what is done to win and never admit you were wrong. Nothing less than a cult.
"Winning" is everything to them. It doesn't matter what is done to win and never admit you were wrong. Nothing less than a cult.'s more than that. i know people like that...and while it is accurate in trump's case...there's more. being driven to win is a....neuroses? and never admitting you were wrong usually only applies to that can tell the truth about other things, most things, anything that doesn't directly apply to you're particular sickness...trump just doesn't tell the truth unless it coincidentally serves his purposes at the moment. he habitually lies, exaggerates, is a master prevaricator.....actually, i'm not sure he can not prevaricate....he's been dancing around the truth so long that's just the way he moves from place to place now.....
Whatever Flynn told Mueller must have been worth a lot, the judge was pissed at the sentencing and called Flynn a traitor to his face. The other clowns in this case must be praying they don't end up in front of a judge who takes patriotism seriously like this guy, Donald would be gone forever if he ever ended up in front of this fellow! Donald and the family must be starting to worry and panic now, these "non crimes" as Rudy characterizes them have drawn a harsh rebuke from a federal judge who will probably deliver a stiff prison sentence.

I think during Donald's future trial they will have to gag and tie him to a chair where he will grunt and squirm with his eyeballs bugged out for the cameras. I hope they're gonna be professional about it and get him a nice ball gag from a local sex shop and not some sock and rag arrangement, this will be on national TV after all so we will want Donald to look his best! Maybe it could be an orange ball to match his jumpsuit and complexion....
Judge Delays Ex-President Donald Trump Official Michael Flynn’s Sentencing | MSNBC
A federal judge delayed the sentencing for Trump's former national security advisor, Michael Flynn. Judge Emmet Sullivan told Flynn, ‘You sold your country out.' The retired three-star general pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators about his communications with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition. Flynn is set to return to court in 90 days. NBC’s Julia Ainsley reports.
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The Last Word Flynn Wanted To Hear: 'Treason'
The judge overseeing Michael Flynn's case seemed curious that the word 'treason' wasn't being said more frequently.
The Last Word Flynn Wanted To Hear: 'Treason'
The judge overseeing Michael Flynn's case seemed curious that the word 'treason' wasn't being said more frequently.

+rep dude..+rep:clap::lol:

'trump hates christmas because it's not about him..'

Dear God, what have we become..?:lol:

apparently, i'm european now..
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I never knew that that the word "treason" could sound so sexy.

All I want for Christmas is to hear that word over and and over again.

if only these hearings could be public..but words will do.

i watched it 3x just to read what the judge said and have colbert act it out:lol:
Whatever Flynn told Mueller must have been worth a lot, the judge was pissed at the sentencing and called Flynn a traitor to his face. The other clowns in this case must be praying they don't end up in front of a judge who takes patriotism seriously like this guy, Donald would be gone forever if he ever ended up in front of this fellow! Donald and the family must be starting to worry and panic now, these "non crimes" as Rudy characterizes them have drawn a harsh rebuke from a federal judge who will probably deliver a stiff prison sentence.

I think during Donald's future trial they will have to gag and tie him to a chair where he will grunt and squirm with his eyeballs bugged out for the cameras. I hope they're gonna be professional about it and get him a nice ball gag from a local sex shop and not some sock and rag arrangement, this will be on national TV after all so we will want Donald to look his best! Maybe it could be an orange ball to match his jumpsuit and complexion....
Judge Delays Ex-President Donald Trump Official Michael Flynn’s Sentencing | MSNBC
A federal judge delayed the sentencing for Trump's former national security advisor, Michael Flynn. Judge Emmet Sullivan told Flynn, ‘You sold your country out.' The retired three-star general pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators about his communications with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition. Flynn is set to return to court in 90 days. NBC’s Julia Ainsley reports.
i'll put a jockstrap on right now, and not take it off till they need to gag trump with it......anything to help out....on second thought, just a pair of drawers would be better, don't want to miss all that taint sweat
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We've had 700 days of Donald so far. I wonder how many more days he has left before they impeach him? There's lot's going on that we don't know about here, it's probably even worse than we think, something pissed off that judge during Flynn's sentencing. I think Trump took a massive bribe from the Saudis to change middle east policy and kill the Iran nuclear treaty and of course is in bed with the Russians. The scale of the crimes is staggering and I think we have a long way to go before we get to the bottom of this business. I still believe over a thousand assholes will end up in prison or squeal deals before the dust settles on this one.

Donald is done, it's just question of time and I don't think that time will be long...

i'd like to paint the line right across his face and cross it a few thousand times in spiked boots....
something needs to be done about this fucking loudmouthed Czar a bullet to the brain.
and while we're at it, why don't we blow up his building full of hackers in downtown moscow?....
and kick the fucking russians right straight the fuck out of Ukraine? where they weren't invited and aren't wanted?
and sink a few of those ships they're ramming shit with?....they're the ones getting close to a dangerous line, and i say they've already crossed the fucker, a few times.....
We've had 700 days of Donald so far. I wonder how many more days he has left before they impeach him? There's lot's going on that we don't know about here, it's probably even worse than we think, something pissed off that judge during Flynn's sentencing. I think Trump took a massive bribe from the Saudis to change middle east policy and kill the Iran nuclear treaty and of course is in bed with the Russians. The scale of the crimes is staggering and I think we have a long way to go before we get to the bottom of this business. I still believe over a thousand assholes will end up in prison or squeal deals before the dust settles on this one.

Donald is done, it's just question of time and I don't think that time will be long...
i hope you're right...but washington is so fucked up, i see trump finishing his one term, not running again, and not getting any federal indictments. probably lots of state ones as a private citizen after he leaves office....
i hope i'm wrong, and i hope they crucify him....but i just have this feeling that if they were going to do ANYTHING meaningful, they would already be doing it.......

i'd like to paint the line right across his face and cross it a few thousand times in spiked boots....
something needs to be done about this fucking loudmouthed Czar a bullet to the brain.
and while we're at it, why don't we blow up his building full of hackers in downtown moscow?....
and kick the fucking russians right straight the fuck out of Ukraine? where they weren't invited and aren't wanted?
and sink a few of those ships they're ramming shit with?....they're the ones getting close to a dangerous line, and i say they've already crossed the fucker, a few times.....
Cold war level sanctions until he or anybody like him is gone, all your democratic allies have been attacked too so it's doable.
Every one of you delusional and deranged Liberals have no idea what you’re talking about. Trump isn’t getting removed and he will serve a 2nd term. Keep crying pu$$ies.
Do you think he will run for re-election on the strength of his 2000 point market loss this year or the record number of criminal indictments

Also, how small is your penis
and don't forget that ISIS has been defeated and no longer exists thanks to Dear Leader. LOL.

Please show us proof where President Trump stated that “ISIS no longer exists”. ISIS has been defeated just like the Nazis have been defeated. But Nazis still exist. Cause you’re just doing the same ol garbage the media is doing. Adding your own words to change the context of the message.
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i hope you're right...but washington is so fucked up, i see trump finishing his one term, not running again, and not getting any federal indictments. probably lots of state ones as a private citizen after he leaves office....
i hope i'm wrong, and i hope they crucify him....but i just have this feeling that if they were going to do ANYTHING meaningful, they would already be doing it.......

Evidence of wrong doing please? Or are we just going to crucify people cause you got butthurt feelings?