The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

So we should ignore China, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Israel and just focus on Russia? Is that what you’re saying? Cause I’m not sure if you’re aware, there were more sanctions put on Russia. Or did the news not tell you that?

By me pointing out to you there's a foreign influence behind the gangs driving people to the boarder, you deduce that I think we should lower security elsewhere? you are new here.

Question Everything.
You are the one who wants to build a wall.
Yes, to keep ILLEGALS and DRUGS from entering our country. Will it be 100% effective? Fuck no. But it’s proven to work like 80%+ in even more hostile regions of the world. The first act by them entering a country being an illegal doesn’t exactly speak well for the persons integrity in regards to respecting our laws. How would you feel if your friend brought someone you don’t know to your house, and the first thing they do is expect you to take care of them and give them money to live. Meanwhile we have homeless veterans who could be taken care of with that money.

Guess what, those veterans are not just limited to Republicans. There are homeless Democrats living in poverty as well. Do you care now? Does it really take for them to have to be only your political affiliation? They equally put their lives on the line for you. Whether you agree with it or not. There were people on both sides of the political spectrum who fought together and were equally putting their life up as collateral in order to make a living and get money for college. What the fuck do you think it looks like when those people are being put 2nd in line for recognition and opportunity. Are you kidding me right now? If that wall allows for even a 10% increase in veteran care, I’ll take it every day of the week. Thats the kind of American I am. That could easily be one of you living in the street. Willing to increase your odds by 10%? I think so if it were you. And I’d be the guy who made it possible. Because I voted for someone who did it for that exact reason.

Yes, to keep ILLEGALS and DRUGS from entering our country. Will it be 100% effective? Fuck no. But it’s proven to work like 80%+ in even more hostile regions of the world. The first act by them entering a country being an illegal doesn’t exactly speak well for the persons integrity in regards to respecting our laws. How would you feel if your friend brought someone you don’t know to your house, and the first thing they do is expect you to take care of them and give them money to live. Meanwhile we have homeless veterans who could be taken care of with that money.

Guess what, those veterans are not just limited to Republicans. There are homeless Democrats living in poverty as well. Do you care now? Does it really take for them to have to be only your political affiliation? They equally put their lives on the line for you. Whether you agree with it or not. There were people on both sides of the political spectrum who fought together and were equally putting their life up as collateral in order to make a living and get money for college. What the fuck do you think it looks like when those people are being put 2nd in line for recognition and opportunity. Are you kidding me right now? If that wall allows for even a 10% increase in veteran care, I’ll take it every day of the week. Thats the kind of American I am. That could easily be one of you living in the street. Willing to increase your odds by 10%? I think so if it were you. And I’d be the guy who made it possible. Because I voted for someone who did it for that exact reason.

Speaking of respect for federal laws and opposition to drugs, how is your federally illegal manufacturing of a schedule 1 narcotic going
One of the top predictors of trump support was being from an area riddled by opioid addiction
I’ve never known heroin, crack, meth addicts to be people who really gave a shit to place a vote. Sorry but that’s the truth. The ones who are voting are the parents of those addicts. Again, both a Democrat and Republican problem. So when both Democrat and Republican governed areas are doing nothing to effectively make a change locally. Then how is Trump the bad guy for actually doing something to fix the problem? You do want it fixed don’t you?
I’ve never known heroin, crack, meth addicts to be people who really gave a shit to place a vote. Sorry but that’s the truth. The ones who are voting are the parents of those addicts. Again, both a Democrat and Republican problem. So when both Democrat and Republican governed areas are doing nothing to effectively make a change locally. Then how is Trump the bad guy for actually doing something to fix the problem? You do want it fixed don’t you?
What did trump do to fix the opioid crisis
What did trump do to fix the opioid crisis
He presented a possible solution, but morons in congress are too busy pointing fingers at each other having the people they govern going at it as well. That’s how civil war can break out. When you drift too far from the center, bad shit happens.
I’ve never known heroin, crack, meth addicts to be people who really gave a shit to place a vote. Sorry but that’s the truth. The ones who are voting are the parents of those addicts. Again, both a Democrat and Republican problem. So when both Democrat and Republican governed areas are doing nothing to effectively make a change locally. Then how is Trump the bad guy for actually doing something to fix the problem? You do want it fixed don’t you?

FBI estimated damage to the general public and a fine of over 1 Billion to this repeat offender, but your man let the veterans, and american people down.

McKesson Corporation (McKesson), one of the nation’s largest distributors of pharmaceutical drugs, agreed to pay a record $150 million civil penalty for alleged violations of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), the Justice Department announced today.
He presented a possible solution, but morons in congress are too busy pointing fingers at each other having the people they govern going at it as well. That’s how civil war can break out. When you drift too far from the center, bad shit happens.
Didn’t he declare the opioid crisis a federal emergency then not give a single penny to fight it