Homemade oil for my vape pen

Here's a vacuum chamber on amazon. They offer a vac pump and oil as a package for $168 total..
I use my 3 gal, with a sticky heating pad for finishing my winterized hbo.. I evaporate all the alcohol i can before applying any vacuum because solvent will soon kill cheap pumps when pumped through them...
These vac chambers are useful for many things.. I also use mine for degassing resins, and metal casting plaster..

I just went out and bought one of these (https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B003OBYNBO/). They pull a pretty good vacuum. I use it to remove the majority of my solvent before putting it on my vacuum pump.
I just went out and bought one of these (https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B003OBYNBO/). They pull a pretty good vacuum. I use it to remove the majority of my solvent before putting it on my vacuum pump.
I did a qwet awhile back and didn’t use a vacuum pump, I let evaporate on a electric skillet on L O W for like 14 hrs. It came out just barely sticky not quite shatter. I tasted no everclear in it. I’m asking?!!? Just what does the vacuum do? It boils off more ethanol? Vacuum doesn’t remove more fats and unwanted waxes, right?
I would love to fine tune a way to make extracts and quickly make vape juice. I have a process or two but I want to be more efficient with my materials
Being in Florida I don't believe I have access to the 190 proof everclear only the 153, do I have any other options for a winterization spirit I can buy in FL?
@DemonTrich might have something to offer
Thanks man...I found a gallon of what I need at 42o extractor.com........the source turbo people pointed me that direction....been doing 3 to 1 ratio with rosin but it goes dark and tastes off/burnt at the last 30 percent or so, hopefully winterization and the source turbo will help....the new smok nord rips btw
Thanks man...I found a gallon of what I need at 42o extractor.com........the source turbo people pointed me that direction....been doing 3 to 1 ratio with rosin but it goes dark and tastes off/burnt at the last 30 percent or so, hopefully winterization and the source turbo will help....the new smok nord rips btw
Mine still turns a little dark even with the po-boy winterized version. If I filter it through a .22 micron filter it stays pretty damn clear, just tedious
Thanks man...I found a gallon of what I need at 42o extractor.com........the source turbo people pointed me that direction....been doing 3 to 1 ratio with rosin but it goes dark and tastes off/burnt at the last 30 percent or so, hopefully winterization and the source turbo will help....the new smok nord rips btw
And ya 3/1 liquidfier to extract seems to flow nice and still with some speakable potency
do you get a burnt taste to it once it gets a little dark?
No burnt taste from the juice.
The only time I’ve gotten a burnt taste was when I or we took too long of a draw On the pen and it will scorches whatever extract I guess is in the well. OR I did buy some carts that said “ no cotton” on the website BUT I still got a burnt cotton taste from them.... I mean I can pull my product out of that particular Cartridge and put it into a different cartridge and it taste f cartridge and put it into a different cartridge and it taste correct.
0CA0AC07-CFE4-4D41-A0AB-4BD21E9AC110.jpeg Couple things for us po-boys.
I purchased a 50/50 pg/vg blend from a local vape shop. It liquified my rosin easily but it also masked the flavor of my extract.... it just seemed like it neutralized it.
I like WAX LIQUIDIZER. Made some new juice with .22 micron filters 3/1 ratio...... 2 puffs your lifted.
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View attachment 4252202 Couple things for us po-boys.
I purchased a 50/50 pg/vg blend from a local vape shop. It liquified my rosin easily but it also masked the flavor of my extract.... it just seemed like it neutralized it.
I like WAX LIQUIDIZER. Made some new juice with .22 micron filters 3/1 ratio...... 2 puffs your lifted.
I like wax liquidizer as wel, although I wish it was a little cheaper. I’m about to reup and looking for alternatives.
I ordered a bottle of “Licks” concentrated terpenes. I bought the SourD flavor.
Geez! The bottle was leaking and it smelt like weed. I’m like WTF. I put 1 drop in .5ml cartridge as a test. you can taste it and smell it.... the smell is strong It’s not discrete..... at all. My stuff is way better without any help I’ve decided.. I like the flavor that my stuff has and it’s aroma that fades away quickly
Just what does the vacuum do?
It lowers the boiling point. The more vacuum it is under, the lower the boiling point goes. It is helpful when pulling more than one thing in a single run. Like say you distill some oil, it makes it easier to go after the terepens, THC, CBD, etc. individually.
It also makes it easier to remove the water vapor, if you use a condensation chamber before the pump.
There original? I’ll try it next maybe
Yeah, I'm not interested in any "flavored" liquidizer. I got a few of the Kind brand terpenes off amazon, I have Lemon, Mango, and Grape, and they're all actually really good. my wife describes the lemon as more of an "Aveda" taste, its like a lemongrass, its really nice. Grape is like a grape candy, and mango is kinda sugary but still fruity. I bout the 1ml drams and still have a decent amount left of each, just a few drops per cart gram
It lowers the boiling point. The more vacuum it is under, the lower the boiling point goes. It is helpful when pulling more than one thing in a single run. Like say you distill some oil, it makes it easier to go after the terepens, THC, CBD, etc. individually.
It also makes it easier to remove the water vapor, if you use a condensation chamber before the pump.
So for a guy like me who is making a batch of QWET and evaporating off the alcohol with a hot plate how would purging it under a vacuum help me? Is there any benefit in it for me I use my end product for Vape pens