The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

The fact that liberals is capitalized just shows how educated you are. Thank adolph for spell check am i rite?

Title case, or up style, is another method. Whether or not you capitalize a word in a title depends on its part of speech. According to most style guides that use title case, the basic rules are as follows:

  • Capitalize the first and last word in a title, regardless of part of speech
  • Capitalize all nouns (baby, country, picture), pronouns (you, she, it), verbs (walk, think, dream), adjectives (sweet, large, perfect), adverbs (immediately, quietly), and subordinating conjunctions (as, because, although)
Title case, or up style, is another method. Whether or not you capitalize a word in a title depends on its part of speech. According to most style guides that use title case, the basic rules are as follows:

  • Capitalize the first and last word in a title, regardless of part of speech
  • Capitalize all nouns (baby, country, picture), pronouns (you, she, it), verbs (walk, think, dream), adjectives (sweet, large, perfect), adverbs (immediately, quietly), and subordinating conjunctions (as, because, although)
Little snowflake running to google? Acting like I care about your biased source?
Those are facts. Sorry I’m not cowering myself because you find it offensive that I can be all those things.
I'm conceited to. Unlike you I don't work for anyone. I am the boss. Never wanted a career (way to many hrs). I just wanted to travel allot, party fairly hard and make enough money to semi retire at 40. Did it to.
But go on tell everyone how much better you are than others.

"your so vain, I bet you think this song is about you, don't you?" comes to mind.

On a side note if you voted for Trump you are automatically grouped into the uneducated segment. That's because thats who his voter base is- poor and uneducated.
You’re a triggered buffoon lol
You quoted and stood by an article that the publisher disowned. I called you out on it, dumbass and this is your reply. lmfao

You are the triggered buffoon.

When you aren't triggered, you are still a buffoon. Fake Buddah.
Oh and now you’re lying lol. I’ve been banned many times? The loser triggered Liberal is obvious lol.

Nobody likes you here wah wah wah lol. You’re one of the most pathetic excuses of a human I have ever witnessed.
How much longer before you get banned, fake buddah?
Awww look at this loser try to get underneath my skin lol. Associate nurse? Hahahahaha. You AGAIN provide a clear view to your belittlment of intelligence and success. It couldn’t be more clear that you’re a loser with no money, probably no job and most likely are using your parents WiFi lol. 99% of Democrats don’t identify as Liberals you idiot. Same as 99% of conservatives don’t identify as Conservative. You’re a uneducated loser. Just deal with it.
For the record... I have more education than you are ever likely to get. But that doesn't really matter - I haven't said once that I am smart. What I have said is that you are dumb, and you most assuredly are.

You are dumb because you have strong opinions about things that are not true. You have already said that you dismiss anything that disagrees with your worldview (i.e. facts) as made up news - apparently because the news is not currently running stories about the accuser of Cavanaugh [shrug?] and because David Hogg is not on the front page at this time.

So here are some opportunities for you to look not dumb.

You said that this last midterm was proof that the number of liberals is dropping. This was apparently due to the fact that there are two more Republican Senators than before. But you didn't mention that there were 26 Democrats and only 9 Republican senators up for election. If you were not dumb, you would realize that this was pretty obviously not that great of an accomplishment. You mentioned how many states the Republicans gained in gubernatorial elections yet despite being sure that they gained some. In order to not prove yourself as very dumb, please list those gains. Please back up your assertion that the 2010 midterm was somehow something much more negative to the sitting President than the 2018 elections were. Certainly you should be not dumb enough to know what gerrymandering is - so please compare the national vote totals by party of 2010 with 2018 - or are those just made up.

Additionally, you very dumbly claim that 99% of Democrats do not see themselves as "liberals". In order to appear not very dumb, please show some evidence of this.

Most dumbly, you claim that "liberals" don't need evidence to charge people with crimes. That one made me laugh. Your President is literally the most guilty of this in the entire country. I could list instances all day long. Lock Hillary up. Voter fraud resulted in Trimp losing the popular vote (funny how his blue ribbon voter fraud commission met, spent millions, and then dissolved without a shred of evidence, isn't it?) Speaking of voter fraud, isn't it funny that no concern was given by the Republicans to absentee ballot fraud, just on potential fraud resulting from misrepresentation that might also be used to disenfranchise minority voters, and then suddenly strong evidence of absentee ballot fraud by Republicans starts to emerge? No, probably not to you because, as a dummy, you discount anything that doesn't confirm your ridiculous worldview. My Turkic friend, you are dumb.

And then you dumbly asked if we have ever heard of "The Biden Rule". Uh, yeah. We have. It was the thing that Mitch McConnell made up to justify breaking the Constitution for his dumb constituents to dumbly justify the contradiction of being "pro-Constitution" while violating the letter and spirit of the same. Please show me the Biden rule in the Constitution or any legislation whatsoever. So if Trump does not get another appointment until January of 2020, he will not make a nomination? Is that what you are saying? Just bringing up the Biden Rule as something that is real, makes you among the dumbest 10% of all people in America. Apparently your opinion is "a Senator said something once - so that overrules the Constitution." Just fucking dumb.

There's so much more wrong with your posts - so much assertion as fact of things that you cannot back up that anybody with half a brain (this excludes most current Republicans) must come to the conclusion that you are either totally dishonest and willing to violate the rules of society while shitting on the Constitution, or you are just a poor, dumb, rube.

Sorry my little dumb friend; you are dumb. So dumb that you don't know it. I am glad you are learning a vocation though and wish you the best, but maybe you should consider that learning how to do insert an IV, catheter or clean a bedpan does not really qualify you to hold the ridiculous ideas about politics that you hold. That shit came straight from Fox News, Limbaugh and Hannity - and you honestly cannot find a dumber audience in this whole country.

You won't answer this. Because you are too dumb to answer it.
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I'm conceited to. Unlike you I don't work for anyone. I am the boss. Never wanted a career (way to many hrs). I just wanted to travel allot, party fairly hard and make enough money to semi retire at 40. Did it to.
But go on tell everyone how much better you are than others.

"your so vain, I bet you think this song is about you, don't you?" comes to mind.

On a side note if you voted for Trump you are automatically grouped into the uneducated segment. That's because thats who his voter base is- poor and uneducated.
You’re just another drone who actually believes that one political party is supported by 1 type of individual. That’s why idiots like you are a prime example of how arrogant the LEFT has become. Yet every state that is ran by Democrats is riddled with homelessness, high crime and high taxes.
You’re just another drone who actually believes that one political party is supported by 1 type of individual. That’s why idiots like you are a prime example of how arrogant the LEFT has become. Yet every state that is ran by Democrats is riddled with homelessness, high crime and high taxes.
Let me ask you ... Do you consider any of that to be a cogent argument?

I think it sounds much more like 'things a cult member would say', a very dumb one.