ISIS defeated in Syria?


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't his military be included in how to implement this policy or is Trump just going to set up a carpool?
He likes the Russian Military, he makes it easy for them.

Russia is engaged in a frantic new scramble for influence in Africa, which is being spearheaded by a rash of military cooperation and arms deals signed across the continent in 2018.

Aren't you glad we don't waste time on shithole countries.:wall:

but closer to home,

On 10 December 2018, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that they had transported two Tu-160 strategic bombers to Venezuela:

The TU-160s are long-range supersonic planes capable of carrying conventional or nuclear-tipped cruise missiles — a set of facts that led to the creation of memes suggesting the move was intended to place Russian bombers in range of the United States:

Twitter, memes and attention, that's whats important to this child.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Want to hear something funnier? Ten years after America leaves Trump behind in our scat, Canadians will still be electing assholes like Rob Ford's brother.
But Ontario is now open for business ..... soon to be available HUGE manufacturing facility. His words re efforts to discuss situation with GM, “that ship has sailed”. “Ok gotta go get my buddy the cop hired for that $100,000 grand extra job, nothing to see here. I’ll be in my new camper equipped with fat people seats. Call if you need me. Yes America, we too are fucked :(.


Well-Known Member
Do you think perhaps Trump is deliberately alienating GOP military-state senators so that they will work with Democrats to impeach and remove him from office?
nope, because all he has to do is resign..he's Commander Chaos, who enjoys inflicting pain on those already suffering or taking someones innocence away.

what he's doing is trashing a hotel room but with our nation.


Well-Known Member
I wish you vote HoeLlary next term so you can go in war with China,,Iran And Russia.. I will have my popcorn reeaddyy!! It's fallout time..