BMO Products Poll

BMO Products good, bad or ugly ?

  • BMO products perform very well....

    Votes: 12 70.6%
  • BMO products perform pretty well....

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • BMO products perform about average...

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • I was not impressed with the stuff.....

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • I'd spend my money on something else.....

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
It's time for a poll.... If you have used a Blue Mountain Organic product, vote. If not, please don't.

Their products are Super Plant Tonic, Grow it Green, Foliar Harmony, Flower Power and Bat Guanos / Worm Castings.
By voting you let others know how they perform or don't perform, in your opinion.
Keep it Real....Organic.....
i bought some guano from BMO.
good prices and i got it within a couple of days.
i will be buying more products from BMO next grow.

id say it works well.:peace:


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i bought some guano from BMO.
good prices and i got it within a couple of days.
i will be buying more products from BMO next grow.

id say it works well.:peace:
Jollygreengiant8..... I'd agree, it does look like your laby really enjoyed the bat guano. Very Nice Bonsai action going on there and the pay off - Quality Homegrown Organic Buds.... Mmmm... Mmmm... Good...
Keep it Real....Organic.... :weed:
I've tried the SPT & the Flower Power.
The SPT really makes a difference in growth and there is no guessing to it. You see it in a couple of days, a real difference.
The Flower Power did real good form me to and it's all natural. All my girls, finished fat & frostie.
So, my hat is off to BMO. These hippies have skills in the shit department. LOL
the spt seems to be working good so far, Ohsogreen, how far into veg do you wait until you start feeding them GrowItGreen, and do you continue to feed SPT once you start feeding it Grow it Green? Also, do you have a paticular brand of De Clohrinating Solution that you use for your water? I went to the Aquarium store and they had a bunch, but alot of them seem to have other thigns ins them such as a slimy coat to cover fish to acclimate them to the water. Would these types of chemicals hurt the MJ?
i believe it worked very well. i had the first taste of my crop last night, absolutely amazing!
There is a Bagel Thief in here...


GreenSurfer--> hiding his fried egg, ham, roasted pepper, and provolone breakfast bagel

There is a Bagel Thief in here...


GreenSurfer--> hiding his fried egg, ham, roasted pepper, and provolone breakfast bagel

Man... GreenSurfer....... that sounds real good. I think I'm going to call Vinnie's Pizza and see if he'll whip me up one of those. LOL
My tuna fish sandwich will just have to stay in the frig.
Keep it Real....A'talian'O......
the spt seems to be working good so far, Ohsogreen, how far into veg do you wait until you start feeding them GrowItGreen, and do you continue to feed SPT once you start feeding it Grow it Green? Also, do you have a paticular brand of De Clohrinating Solution that you use for your water? I went to the Aquarium store and they had a bunch, but alot of them seem to have other thigns ins them such as a slimy coat to cover fish to acclimate them to the water. Would these types of chemicals hurt the MJ?
Krunkpot.... I don't feed Grow it Green until week 4 of veg growth and do so at a full strength dose. NPK 5-2-5
Then at week 6, I mix full strength Grow it Green and a half strength dose of Flower Power to bump up the numbers. NPK 5.5-6-8.5 - plus one tablespoon of High P Bat Guano (0-7-0) for a total of 5.5-13-8.5
At week 8, I drop the Grow it Green to a half strength dose and use the Flower Power at full strenth dose. NPK 3.5-9-9.5 - plus the one tablespoon of High P Bat Guano again, for a total of 3.5-16-9.5
For week 10, No Grow it Green & full strength dose of Flower Power. NPK 1-8-7 - plus one tablespoon of High P Bat Guano (last time) for a total of 1-15-7. Then for weeks 11 & 12 plain water only.
For feeding, if you do so weekly - give each plant one quart. If you feed every two weeks - give each plant two quarts each.
Since, I feed every two weeks, I apply my SPT on my watering only weeks, at a full strength dose (if I notice any deficencies - I add a little seaweed extract & 1/2 ounce of Molasses to each gallon of SPT I mix up). If you wanted to use the SPT weekly, just use it at half strength.
As far as dechlorinator solution, Seamaiden is the expert there. If you sent her a private message, I'm sure she would give you good advice.
I have used the cheap (dechlorinator only stuff) from Walmart, in the past. But I am lucky enough to have an old hand dug well in my backyard. I get water from there or a stream near my plants when needed.
Hope this helps.....
Keep it Real....Organic......
There is a Bagel Thief in here...


GreenSurfer--> hiding his fried egg, ham, roasted pepper, and provolone breakfast bagel


hahaha. man, you made me hungry! its too bad for the kid down at the local bagel bar, he wouldnt give up the goods, so i had to pump him full of lead. lets just say i got what i wanted...fried egg, american cheese, ham, thick-sliced hickory bacon, home-made salsa, pickled jalapeños all sandwiched between a toasted onion bagel slathered with whipped butter and onion+chives cream cheese....with a little SPT to wash it all down!

ohh yea baby, so decadent and well worth the blood i splattered all over my nice shirt...haha.

hey, wheres the guy who doesnt like SPT? come on you coward! show yourself!!!


  • 100_1550.jpg
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hahaha. man, you made me hungry! its too bad for the kid down at the local bagel bar, he wouldnt give up the goods, so i had to pump him full of lead. lets just say i got what i wanted...fried egg, american cheese, ham, thick-sliced hickory bacon, home-made salsa, pickled jalapeños all sandwiched between a toasted onion bagel slathered with whipped butter and onion+chives cream cheese....with a little SPT to wash it all down!

ohh yea baby, so decadent and well worth the blood i splattered all over my nice shirt...haha.

hey, wheres the guy who doesnt like SPT? come on you coward! show yourself!!!


My breakfast sandwiches are usually the by-product of antipasta salads & platters from the night, love the Italian left overs. Roasted peppers, a fried egg, cheese (provolone, smoked mozz., etc), cold cuts (cappi, proscut., dry salami(s), etc)...

If I have any brusetta topping left that goes on top too...and the bread is whatever we have around...this week is bagels and an artisianal whole wheat.

Now I'm really hungry...oooo, there is pie in the fridge!...I'll be back!

Good News... I did not have to eat the Tuna Fish.... Vinnie's hooked me up the other day. Greensurfer & Bagelthief may have started something new here.... Bagels - not just for breakfast......
Keep it Tasty.....
haha! ohh man, tuna fish vs. bagel sandwich? thats like Superthrive vs. Super plant tonic, and everyone in this thread should know which one is the knockout winner in that match...
Bagels make great, broiled tuna open-face sandwiches with melted sharp cheddar or parm on top...

How can I still be thinking about food after dinner?!

I think you guys are bagel obsessed. What was this poll about again ? Oh yeah BMO's stuff. The SPT is great and I'm all for it. Super stuff, performs very well.
Now, someone pass me a bagel. LOL.
Sixteen votes so far.... I hope more people vote in the up coming presidential election.
Vote or don't complain.....
Keep it Real.... & You'd better Fight for your right to par.r.rty..... I mean Vote.......