Alaskan Ice Bubbleponics 400W Grow


Well-Known Member
What you do is you grow your plant to the screen and then train it so it spreads out throughout the screen and then once all the budsites poke through the screen you bud the plant and all the buds get the same amount of light so instead of getting one big bud and a bunch of little ones you get a bunch of big buds and no little ones.


Well-Known Member
I dunno if I should leave them in my bubbleponic system or if I should take them out and put them in buckets....hmmm. And Id also like to somehow take clones from them and keep the strain going. Any suggestions with the set up that I have?


Active Member
Ok I don't know much but, if you want to clone you should let one of the plants grow a bit longer in veg state and wait till you have a plant about a foot tall that way you have a really good selection of clones to choose from and you could potentially get a like 4 to 6 clones from it without hurting the plant.


Elite Rolling Society
yea i know the system. Actually there are tubes pumping water to the rockwool where they are saturated that whole time. Thats how its supposed to be until the roots get long enough and enough of them. Which their are a few but im still running the pump a little longer just to make sure. Yea im hoping i get a decent amount. Ive only grown once before and that was 1 5ft plant 5 ft wide. I yielded over a 1/2 lb so id like to do a 1/2lb in this set up. Think I can with just these 3 plants and a 400W light?
absolutely right, you DO keep the cubes saturated with nute enriched water.


Elite Rolling Society
Really? Damn. That worries me. My plant is about 5 to 6 inches tall right now I think. When should I flower? I was hoping to scrog it or LST and probably top it a few times before I flower. When Should I do those things? I thought it was still kinda young to top and LST.[/quote

If you have INDICA and enough space, VEG for 5 weeks, then BLOOM 8 and half.
Pinch those tops at 2 to 3 weeks. ONCE ONLY.!!


Elite Rolling Society
hmmm. I just dont know when I should flower and start to train. id really like to somehow do a SCROG im just worried about doing one.
you don't have 6 females to do much of a SCROG with. let them babies grow to maturity on 24/7 lights and then 12/12 them after 5 weeks.


Elite Rolling Society

I just want to share a thought and wise you up to a fact. I am not pointing a finger at anyone, but I've seen you post on several threads on this site and I've seen some confusing advise given to you. I signed up here in 2005, left and came back in 2007. I've seen 100's of members, 100s of posters, that post info here and they have never grown a plant and they give confusing, inaccurate advise. Be careful who you listen to, and weigh the advise given. I've sen a lot of SOIL Growers try to give advise to HYDRO growers and visa versa. I've seen young kids give advise here and they've nerver seen a plant grow. There are a dozen books at on growing and there are a dozen other grow sites, although this one is the largest and has the most to read and study. The best advise anyone can give you is read and study and get some on hands experience, some trial and error and see what works best for you. People argue CFL vs HID lights, Soil Vs Hydro, High Temps, Low Temps, High Humidity, Low Humidity, Trim, do not trim, PH at 5.8 and ph at 6.5.
Find out what works best for you and take advise from those with experience and pics and journals and grows. There are two guys here with a couple of threads on Bubbleponics, a Texas longhorn and a Gr33nthrumb and they are learning a lot by sharing info. Find their threads and read them.


Elite Rolling Society
So you want me to super crop 2 to 3 weeks into 12/12?
Try whatever you like or perfer, but I start 12/12 and FLOWER nutes at 5 weeks. I normally get another 6 inches of height at most, usually just tow or three inches, AFTER starting 12/12. After one wek of 12/12 you do not get growth in height, you get flowers and buds. And, they quit stinking as bad too.


Elite Rolling Society
How much growth you think I can get in the next 16 days of Veg?
Man, I really try to only address and answer questions that I have hands on experience with. I am a CFL grower, although I do it with overkill, I use 14 bulbs, 4 65, 6- 85 watts, and 4 105 watt bulbs on two tanks. I did two grows, my first two, with ONLY 4 65 watt bulbs, and I got an inch to two inches of growth in height, EVERYDAY!


Well-Known Member
Well I have ph up and down. Havent had to use it cause my ph has always been fine. Id just say to get some and follow the directions.