Leaf turning yellow. Helpp


Active Member
Why are my bottom leafs turning yellow? Is this nitrogen deficiency. I just transplanted it from solo cup to this 5 gal fabric pot 2 days ago. Today I added some GH grow nutrients. Hopefully it gets better. Any suggestions what might be wrong?



Well-Known Member
The only times I have had issues like that is when I let the temperature get unstable, especially when it it get too cold. Where temperature is concerned, it has been my experience that a number of different maladies can be indicated when the cause is actually to big of variances in the temperature. I am not saying that is your issue but it is worth adding to the checklist of things to consider.


Active Member
Yes it's nitrogen deficiency. I got it too you need to feed it with your highest N nutrients you got or get something like Dr Earth big high nitrogen plant food. If your using bottles Nitrogen diefency starts from the bottom working it's way up. If not treated


Well-Known Member
Looks like the bottom leaves sat in the wet soil at some point. Now that you transplanted, I think it will do fine. Rest of the plant looks great.

Why are my bottom leafs turning yellow? Is this nitrogen deficiency. I just transplanted it from solo cup to this 5 gal fabric pot 2 days ago. Today I added some GH grow nutrients. Hopefully it gets better. Any suggestions what might be wrong?