John McCain...seriously?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering how anyone could vote for McCain knowing that his graduating rank was 894 out of 899 students at the navel academy... i mean seriously... 5th from the bottom???? ...5th... from the bottom.... this man might lead the world lol... i can see managing a walmart or something... but leading...the... world lol ... we americans as a whole are dumb as hell ( u cant fix stupid) :wall:

and why don't you hear about his on the news?... people should know...



New Member
I was wondering how anyone could vote for McCain knowing that his graduating rank was 894 out of 899 students at the navel academy... i mean seriously... 5th from the bottom???? ...5th... from the bottom.... this man might lead the world lol... i can see managing a walmart or something... but leading...the... world lol ... we americans as a whole are dumb as hell ( u cant fix stupid) :wall:

and why don't you hear about his on the news?... people should know...


What a should have bailed out long ago.;-)

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I was wondering how anyone could vote for McCain knowing that his graduating rank was 894 out of 899 students at the navel academy...

LOL.... well Americans voted the shrub in TWICE. Ok... ok... ok.... technically once and he stole the second one with the help of his bro in FL.

Regardless.... Bush is pretty much the definition of MORON and he's occupied 1600 Pennsylvania for 8 years now.....

Nothing will surprise me in this drama filled election

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
yah... mccain will win... o well ive thrown out my 2 cents

I don't know who's going to win the election... I think it will be a fairly close race.

In my own personal little dream world I'd have liked to seen Colin Powell run as an independent. He has experience and integrity and right now people have VERY LITTLE trust in the CIC.

Most people I know personally, regardless of party affiliation, say they would, without a doubt, vote for Powell if he ran..... and regardless of what ticket he ran on.

Personally I'd have loved to seen the first African American President be elected in a landslide victory on an Independent ticket.

Talk about shaking things up... what could be better then making history AND cleaning the clocks of the Big 2 ..... all in one fell swoop. Hell, just for fun let's throw in an African American Woman as his VP.... Oprah maybe??? (lol... j/k on the Oprah thing)

Anyway.... time for me to wake up from my dream and realize ..... no matter looks like 8 more years of scoundrels running our Country. :sad:


New Member
What does a person's grades have to do with anything? At the age McCain was when he was in the Hanoi Hilton getting tortured, B. Hussien O'Bama was kissing Bill Ayer's Marxist ass.



Well-Known Member
What does a person's grades have to do with anything? At the age McCain was when he was in the Hanoi Hilton getting tortured, B. Hussien O'Bama was kissing Bill Ayer's Marxist ass.

lol wow...i think u should hav good grades to become the leader of the world haha but hey... thts jst me... (i wouldnt wana go to a doctor that finished 894 out of 899 in his class ...YIKES lol )


Well-Known Member
I was wondering how anyone could vote for McCain knowing that his graduating rank was 894 out of 899 students at the navel academy... i mean seriously... 5th from the bottom???? ...5th... from the bottom.... this man might lead the world lol... i can see managing a walmart or something... but leading...the... world lol ... we americans as a whole are dumb as hell ( u cant fix stupid) :wall:

and why don't you hear about his on the news?... people should know...


Ranking at the service academies is not solely based on academics, and I don't think there is a clear relationship between Academy class rank and leadership qualities. McCain's father graduated 424 of 441, and he attained the rank of Admiral as CINCPAC. On the other hand, Jimmy Carter graduated 59 of 820......

But I leave it to you to draw your own conclusions.


Well-Known Member
lol wow...i think u should hav good grades to become the leader of the world haha but hey... thts jst me... (i wouldnt wana go to a doctor that finished 894 out of 899 in his class ...YIKES lol )
Actually, I do have to wonder what grades have to do with a person's ability to lead a country.

It's not rocket science.

It's not computer programming.

It's not advanced mathematics.

It's not calculus, physics, theoretical modelling.

So, what does a person's grades have to do with their ability to rule a country?

Besides, even with his education, Obama is still a fucking socialist moron.


Well-Known Member
damm talk about no sense of humor
everyones panties are in a bunch is all.
while med and vi's knickers are riding. :lol:

Can't blame anyone tho.
Look where were going(the spin)and where were headed(the reality)
scary times indeed.


New Member
everyones panties are in a bunch is all.
while med and vi's knickers are riding. :lol:

Can't blame anyone tho.
Look where were going(the spin)and where were headed(the reality)
scary times indeed.
That is no shitskis for sure. Hundreds of billions in newly printed money going out into circulation. Then, if O'Bama is elected, we will have over a trillion dollars of more new money printed to pay for his promised Marxist programs. Get ready for milk at $12.00 a gallon and $100 dollar steaks. Oh wait, I forgot ... to combat this rampant inflation, the O'Bama administration will pass price and wage controls ... and then ration goods and services.

Welcome to Venezuela.
