how large does a marijuana plant have to grow before it can be sexed?
is there anyway that you can help the plant become female only?
lol you can buy feminized seeds where the female to male ratio is in favour of the female16/8 promotes female sex
Dutch Masters has a product called reverse. Its supposed to turn males to females. I have never used this product, It sounds to good to be trueis there anyway that you can help the plant become female only?
i think you can do that... but thats like bio-chemistry and genetic altering... not changing anything with the mothers pregnancy.... \
ive heard of the 16 8 theory before and it just dosnt make sense too me how does an extra two hours less of of light = more females?
the banana method is another one and i think that has more evidence behind it than simply switching the light schedule... think about it if it was ABSOLUTELY certain to give you a higher ratio of females then everyone would do it and it wouldnt be a such a "secret"
all your doing is robbing your plants 2 hours of extra light
if you want a high # females give your plants the perfect growing environment, make sure they're light schedules whatever you keep them on don't get screwed up, make sure you have complete dark for "night time" and don't stress your plants out and you will have lots of girls
ill scan the info just for you, or better yet i'll see if my digi camera can take a good pic of it
there are other ways to also promote feminization, you just have to be KNOWLEDGABLE of them
....i guess you didn't know that if you have enough money, you can pay to have a doctor or whoever performs the procedure to promote a certain sex of a baby in a womans stomach
you know that right? or am i just in scifi land again?
is there anyway that you can help the plant become female only?