GM laying off 15% of workers and shutting down 5 plants due to trump tariffs

All it seems you guys can do is shit talk but most of my friends are steel workers or pipe fitters or some other 50k plus a year job and they say business is booming lately gas is dropping food has been cheaper due to dropping gas prices and hemp is now legal so I can move back and utilize my hundreds of acres for hemp now so fuck off with the whiney shit


You're even worse at lying than Trump
I don’t know about this statement, I’m pretty sure GM workers that can’t afford to feed their kids aren’t to happy with Trumpty Dumpty these days?
Sorry didn’t see the humour, I may be becoming insensitive to humour surrounding Trump
Well, Ifor one, am not fucking happy :(. I haven’t really been looking, too scared actually, but I’m pretty sure my retirement plans have gotten at tad colder for 6 months ........ fuck.
I wasnt lying. I was wrong. Production has changed quite a bit since I left the industry.

I apologize for the misinformation.

If you were talented you could have been a politician.

Bet you dont apologize for your insults and lies. Even if you win one you are a fraud.
Just stop. At no point did the f150 stop being assembled here.

The same for many other American vehicles.