How to keep mother


Active Member
happy new year
Planning an outside grow but want to make sure I gave clone succession on hand should the outside grow fails for some reason. I do have a veg area inside and could keep a plant there in permanent veg but is that all I need do to have a mother plant?

Still learning, hoping you can shed some light.


Well-Known Member
Yeah basically give it light and basic nutrients. If your using soil, give it a big enough pot to have a good root system. You can keep moms for years if you care for them well. I find it helps to keep them pruned back to prevent massive over growth.


Active Member
Yeah basically give it light and basic nutrients. If your using soil, give it a big enough pot to have a good root system. You can keep moms for years if you care for them well. I find it helps to keep them pruned back to prevent massive over growth.

Thanks, super info, thinking to stop flowering inside nov through feb to cut down on heating costs and odors during the holidays. But want to retain a few strains that I have no seeds for.


Well-Known Member
I keep my mothers in 5 gallon home depot buckets soil with lots of perlite , I keep them pretty big for clones at least big in the area I have for them ,at the moment they are stripped down cause I just took clones but in a month they will be bushy again I use light nutes and keep them off to the side in my room they are about 2 years old I will prob take one of my clones of her and send her in the budroom this coming summer


Well-Known Member
I take about 4 clones and rest my two mother plants very 6-8 months when they out grow the veg pots I have a tiny veg area and need space for preparing the next cycle. Keep them pruned back as well and watch your timer I fucked up and accidentally sent them to flower by mistake being stoned duh ! They do go back veg just takes about 6-8;weeks to go back to normal 100%


Well-Known Member
Bonzai techniques work well to keep clone Momma small. Major pruning should also be accompanied by root pruning. Also cut clones whether you need them or not. Keeps Momma bushy.


Active Member
Guess I could take clones to nurture some as mothers, just in case, and others to try to learn manifolding. Just want to give the tent a rest over winter.


Well-Known Member
Guess I could take clones to nurture some as mothers, just in case, and others to try to learn manifolding. Just want to give the tent a rest over winter.
Good idea...manifolding clones is more complicated then with seedlings. It's the asymmetrical branching thing...