Stoner Pets or Strange Pets


Well-Known Member
I have a few pets I know some of you guys do too. In this Thead I'll introdude you to a couple of mine and hope you share your pets or thoughts.

Some of you seen "Hashes" my pup

Well this isn't a pet but has pets in it! :35gal freshwater low population due to Ike9-12-08

fish tiger barb and black moor


Theres more but hard to get a shot of


Well-Known Member

I have a flying squirrel and a Lab.

Squirrels name is Jimmy.

Labs name is Luna.


Well-Known Member

the boys!!! the white and black one is moo moo. the orange on is lehigh and hes almost 16lbs!!!

here they are again

the calico in this picture is starla aka the drunken kitty (girl). shes handicapped cuz her knees are deformed. she stumbles all over the places. instead of rubbing on your legs and bumps her butt. lol she always fallin over. you can see in the pic... her little hunchback! shes adorable


Well-Known Member
Aww, PeaceMane420
I love cats!

We were going to get one but then my friend wanted to move in... he's allergic.
Now he's going to Washington soo...


Well-Known Member
the princess and the protector
they are sooo adorable!
is the 1st one a pit mix? the eyes are so beautiful!!

Aww, PeaceMane420
I love cats!

We were going to get one but then my friend wanted to move in... he's allergic.
Now he's going to Washington soo...
hahaha yes cats are so different then dogs.
its cute how they all develope personalities.
the orange one is like a BIG baby. he acts hard but never delivers lol!
the white and black one used to be an outside cat and ive seen him catch birds with his back claws... mid air! hes a tough cookie but so loving and sweet.
the calico is a pefect description of a scardy cat! lol shes always hiding and she wont let you pick her up. very ungraceful but cute!