Stoner Pets or Strange Pets


Well-Known Member
I used to have a pet prairie dog. Her name was Chipper. Absolutely the best pet I've ever owned. Unbelievably smart. They are able to learn commands and listen just like a dog would. Chipper could sit, stand on her hind legs, and speak on command.

This isn't chipper, but some people don't know what a prairie dog is, so here is a picture of one.


Well-Known Member
I used to have a pet prairie dog. Her name was Chipper. Absolutely the best pet I've ever owned. Unbelievably smart. They are able to learn commands and listen just like a dog would. Chipper could sit, stand on her hind legs, and speak on command.

This isn't chipper, but some people don't know what a prairie dog is, so here is a picture of one.
Where do you live? do they live in texas?


Well-Known Member
i did and when i got there they said he already had it
i threatened to sue the person who sold it to me if they didnt give my money back
so 700 dollars in vet bills trying to keep him alive later
he starts to get better one night after i come home from work [my gf was feeding him thru an eye dropper every 30 minutes with pediasure IT WORKS!]
and guess what? he jumps off my bed when we leave the room for a second to come after us and cracks his head on the ground i dove for him and basically broke my finger trying to save him but he died later that night from the fall..
weird how nature works huh?
you get an awesome dog that knows its named after 4 horus of being with you... protective.... just an awesome dog
gets over one of the most CRAZY diseases known to dogs
and dies from some stupid accident.
.................. I just got off work and now I AM FUCKING DEPRESSED.... I dont know what else to say this was a bad way to end my day rampagen... ASS jp im just kinda speechless poor puppy