I've got some favorite spots "off the porch" that the vegetation grows much more dense and lush than the lesser used spaces.

BTW, growing in the corn, ups your coolness in my book.
I always thought that was some ballsy shit.
Lmao, bro you have no idea.
I would ride my pedal bike about 5 miles to the out skirts of town, very urban midsized midwest city, at like 12-1am to avoid attention just looked like a dickhead out riding at night. I rode out with an backpack full of clones and seedlings, usually 9-12 was all I could jam in there at a time.
I'd pedal out water in a solar shower which I could fit 4 gallons of water in which was just enough to plant the clones/seedling so I'd always go out on a rainy night or day before rain was due. After I pedaled that out the next night I'd plant the batch of cuts/seedlings. I'd do this as many times as I could till the corn got too tall for small plant to keep up.
It was cool to be out in the middle of cornfield late nights doing summer maintenance, hearing all the animals, running into deer literally two corn rows over before we noticed each other, the cool full moon nights were tits.
Harvesting was the fucked part. I'd load up an army duffle bag and pedal literally 2-4 pounds of fresh cut buds back through that town, I don't want to say the name of the town but it was rank #1 most dangerous or worst city to live in by Forbes, not Chicago and I'll leave it at that but sketchy all over.
I'd coming pedaling like the wind down past bus stops or hooker stops, lol, and hear people be like "damn something done smells like a mother fucking skunk or some nasty shit." I'd shit my pants and pedal faster. All I ever had on me was like a pocket knife or bike lock so I was always sweating someone pulling up on me like "what's in the bag" gun pointed at my face.
Aww the shit a mother lover will do just to not have a shitty ass job, lol. Good times. But seriously I'd make 10-20k every summer with only maybe 40 hours of work total, maybe 80 hours if I went buck that year. I under sold everyone when my shit came in, lol.