My curing technique


Well-Known Member
I'm just explaining my curing technique. I'm no expert tips are welcome!

Once I trim and jar my flower, the cure starts. I'll open the jars once a day for the first three days. Then I'll pop the jars open twice a week for the next two weeks. For the third week, I open the jars once. Fourth week they stay sealed until its time to enjoy!

Its a pretty simple method I don't have hygrometers or any other fancy stuff to gauge RH and whatnot. I just observe with my eyes to make sure theres no mold or anything like that.


Well-Known Member
Well that was informative. o_O There is a LOT more details in the" perfect cure every time" thread.
I read the very first post and it just seemed to over complicate something that everyone already thinks is really difficult but if you keep it simple it's quite easy. I've been curing like that for years and I always end up with dank. Im no expert though so like the post says any tips are welcome.


Well-Known Member
Once I trim and jar my flower,
Please tell me that your herb is dry, not fresh, before you jar it.
If your herb is moist and you jar it, your fucked because it will take FOREVER to dry.
Wait until the herb is relatively crunchy, not totally dried out, then jar.
I pop the lid once a day, and that should do you.


Well-Known Member
Please tell me that your herb is dry, not fresh, before you jar it.
If your herb is moist and you jar it, your fucked because it will take FOREVER to dry.
Wait until the herb is relatively crunchy, not totally dried out, then jar.
I pop the lid once a day, and that should do you.
Yes its dry. Never a wet trim. I guess I should have said that.


Well-Known Member
When people say they pop the jars... What's involved here? Just open and close the lid or open for 10mins.. or open and tip the buds our for a bit... ?I'm concerned that I will dry mine too fast as everywhere is hot right now...


Well-Known Member
When people say they pop the jars... What's involved here? Just open and close the lid or open for 10mins.. or open and tip the buds our for a bit... ?I'm concerned that I will dry mine too fast as everywhere is hot right now...
Ya I pretty much just open the lids for about 10-20 min then close em. Except for the first few days I'll pour the buds out. That is mainly just so they are all rearranged in the jar so the stuff that was at the bottom is now at the top.


Well-Known Member
I do my trimming fresh off the plant and put the buds in doubled paper bags to dry slowly in my cool basement. I'll dump them out once a day and let them air dry for 15 min or so but they don't dry fast as it's anywhere from 40 - 50F down there most of the year.

When I start trimming I only take enough I can do in an hour so the sugar leaves don't go all soft which makes it harder to snip them out. Hate that.

After 3 - 4 weeks in the bags they are still very pliable but losing only a gram/day in the bags so they then go into 1 or 2L tobacco cans for a few weeks of burping. I generally keep the cans by the desk here so I can make sure to open a couple times a day for the first week or so. They need to get dumped out every day at first too as they are still moist enough to form a big clump. Each can is only 1/2 to 2/3 full. Nice smooth sides so if it's turned into a big clump it slides right out so I don't have to dig them out like with mason jars. Mason jars are great for long-term storage with cured buds tho.

Fresh off the plant.

After a full cure and ready to smoke.



Well-Known Member
Do small buds cure faster then bigger buds?

If you dry, then cut them down super small, like each node up the bud, would it cure faster, or better?

Just a mind wondering thing is all.


Well-Known Member
Do small buds cure faster then bigger buds?

If you dry, then cut them down super small, like each node up the bud, would it cure faster, or better?

Just a mind wondering thing is all.
I break the colas down to their individual buds snipping out all the sugar leaf as I go. As the buds are all together in the bags they dry evenly whether big or small but the really small, (popcorn), buds go into the trim pile to be made into other things. I put all that into bags too so it dries slowly but don't bother going thru the whole burping process with that stuff.

I have 3 or 4 of those 2L tobacco cans in the deep freeze that I filled with fresh trim then sealed the lid on with electrical tape. Not sure what to do with that yet but will likely dry it quick and make keif with it then do an ISO wash on the screened pot to get the last of the goodie out of it.