Crystals on coco


hi guys, I’m about 2 weeks into flower now and I’ve noticed on one of my plants it’s showing crystals in the coco where the stem is. I’ve added a photo so you can see what i mean.

Question is what is it? How do I fix it? I tried flushing but it’s still there.

Appreciate y’all help



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
hi guys, I’m about 2 weeks into flower now and I’ve noticed on one of my plants it’s showing crystals in the coco where the stem is. I’ve added a photo so you can see what i mean.

Question is what is it? How do I fix it? I tried flushing but it’s still there.

Appreciate y’all help
Just a wild ass guess but it looks like some of your nutrient may have precipitated. What and how are you feeding? As an aside with coco pith I highly recommend cutting it 50/50 with xlg perlite.


Well-Known Member
hi guys, I’m about 2 weeks into flower now and I’ve noticed on one of my plants it’s showing crystals in the coco where the stem is. I’ve added a photo so you can see what i mean.

Question is what is it? How do I fix it? I tried flushing but it’s still there.

Appreciate y’all help
Did you ever wash the coco when you got it? Some actually still have visible sodium crystals in them when purchased! Whatever it is, it's an insoluble 'salt'...either 'bad' coco, or at some point you overfed and had improper ph...2 elements bonded to form that crystal.


Well-Known Member
Two weeks into flower is a good time to use floraclean or a similar product from a more ethical company to wash away nitrogen crystal precipitation before switching to full on flower nutes.

I’m pretty sure that is really just one sentance up there.

Edit: this is my opinion