Review of OilXGreen THC Extraction System

Wait I just noticed you were selling this for 299 and 199 is a specia!? Baaahahaha, this has to be a joke right ? you might sell 1 of these things to a 15 year old, 299 too funny man...please humor me and justify how in your head asking 299/199 for essentially 2 jars and a coil is anything but crazy...
Wait I just noticed you were selling this for 299 and 199
We are actually selling the full kit for $199,95 and the bare metal kit for $149,95. Most anyone could make a similar unit with the right tools and materials. We designed our system for the person who wants a cheap way to make concentrates but does not want to build it themselves. We believe anyone who uses our product will feel that it is money well spent.

We are also offering a $25 coupon code for either unit. STONER
Well atleast your staying professional..Have you sold any? I don’t think you’ll sell many at that price...I’ll be modest and assume the tubing cost you 40$ to make, even tho we boat know your cost is prolly half that including labor making the tub unless your time is worth 150hr... you should sell the full kit for 80$ at that price I think people will actually buy it.. the fact anyone looking to reclaim their solvent is running a good amount of material and is prolly smart enough to make on for less than 20$, I feel like your comming into this with the mentality, (these stupid lazy stoners will pay anything) sorry bro but at that price I don’t see success for you, unless you make some kind of fancy looking housing that the tubing is fixed in so it looks like a solid unit then maybe 200 but that’s still a stretch
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You might enjoy looking at this thread. I understand you may not think our product is worth the price, thanks for expressing your opinion. We have given links to others expressing their opinions. I am sure the users of this forum will do their own research and form their own opinions.
[QUOTE="Bublonichronic, ...the fact anyone looking to reclaim their solvent is running a good amount of material and is prolly smart enough to make on for less than 20$[/QUOTE]

Hmm. This lazy stoner bought the bare metal version. The $50 extra for the petri dish, buchner funnel, filteres, and buckets seemed high. A cheap buchner funnel cost $10 on amazon, the Petri dish $7. I bought two buckets at Walmart for $11 and a dozen Mason Jars for $12. The kit comes with three. At the ACE I bought a cheap steel rod for $2, which is rusting, and a plastic clip for $2. I spent $38 and made two trips to the hardware store. Wasted about three hours of my weekend doing all that. Saved....$12. Spent an extra $6 on the extra three jars but not counting that.

As for the OilX, all of the metal is 316 Stainless Steel. It will outlast the roaches that remain after Nuclear Armageddon.

The seamless tubing is extremely stiff and way spendy. Checked out the manufacturer of the tubing. You can find the info engraved on the tubing. They polish the inside of the tube and then electro coat it to make it extra smooth and assure cleanliness. The tubing is meant for manufacturing processes that require exceptional purity.

The fittings are 316 SS. Googled them up. They are not cheap. Best price I found was $13 for each.

The lids are heavy gauge 316 SS. Even the bands that screw the lids to the jars are heavy duty 316 SS. The supplied rod for anchoring the system is supposedly 316 SS. I don't know for sure because I saved myself $12.

Could this system be built for $20? Sure. Use some polyvinyl tubing and and some super cheap glass from China and maybe, just maybe, you could make one. But not out of 316 SS and parts sourced from Germany and America.

Is this system overbuilt? Probably. Copper tubing would work. The fittings could be sourced from Asia. The lids are way overkill and the 316 SS bands are an obvious place to take a shortcut. Just use the cheap rusty steel bands that come with the American made Mason Jars.

Is all of the above worth the cost of a decent 1/2 oz? In my opinion, yes.

PS. I use my system to extract from freshly harvested and then immediately frozen home grown. If I try hard, I get back 95% of the Pentane. The final product is super clear and gold. I make mine into crumble. Doing a batch of Blueberry Muffins this evening. You would not believe the aroma of the finished product.
I’m glad you are happy with your purchase, I guess some people are more resoursful than others...and I don’t know why your jar rings are rusty none of mine are or have ever been...unless I leave them outside for a offense but you kinda sound like a shill, like a over exaggerated one in those commercials where someone is trying to open a can and cuts their hand and spills the can everywhere, then uses the new super duper can open that makes it easy and mess free and the person is super happy
Like I said tho, I think the best thing you can do is build a rectangular box out of plastic or wood even and give it a nice paint job(or nice glossy stain if wood) with doors on hinges that open on the top to add and remove the jars and the coil permanently fixed inside it...make it look like a solid unit , I personally would build it out of wood, add a nice stain on the outside and coat the inside with flex seal so the water can just be added directly to the unit and somehow anchor the coil the the inside and instead of wrapping around the jar have it wrap around the bottom of the inside of one of the sides on the unit so you don’t have to remove it to connect the jar, then you have a product that looks nice and is worth 200, just trying to help
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On second though don’t do that, I’ll make my own solvent recovery system...I’ll call it.....the recycler...brilliant...for anyone interested in purchasing my upgraded version of the OXG drop me a PM and I’ll have the prototype ready in about a week
You sound like a resourceful person who is eager to share your superior ideas for the benefit of all. I admire that. I wish I were as gifted. This forum is fortunate that you are a participant.

I think you have what it takes to pull this off. It would be kind of cool if you were to document the challenges you run into and the solutions you choose to overcome them. A blog about creating a new product for the extraction of good stuff and the recovery of the extraction solvent would itself be informative. Not everybody has your skill set so you have the opportunity to share your methodology and resourcefulness with future inventors and marketers .

I found the method used by the OilX rig for venting the system to be clever. On the other hand, the method used to keep the jars from floating is indeed awkward. That needs some work. Also the choices of materials is way overkill. Copper tubing, once properly cleaned will work. So would cheaper seamed SS tubing which also must be properly cleaned. I am sure your choices will reflect your convictions that this is both easy to do and can be done as well for less then half the price.

I admire your self professed resourcefulness. Please be sure to share your ingenuity.
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Like I said tho, I think the best thing you can do is build a rectangular box out of plastic or wood even and give it a nice paint job(or nice glossy stain if wood) with doors on hinges that open on the top to add and remove the jars and the coil permanently fixed inside it...make it look like a solid unit , I personally would build it out of wood, add a nice stain on the outside and coat the inside with flex seal so the water can just be added directly to the unit and somehow anchor the coil the the inside and instead of wrapping around the jar have it wrap around the bottom of the inside of one of the sides on the unit so you don’t have to remove it to connect the jar, then you have a product that looks nice and is worth 200, just trying to help

It must be difficult going through life knowing you are just soooo much better, smarter, prettier, and wealthier than everybody else....

shut the hell up - the system is fairly priced for what you get. seamless stainless steel tubing bent in the right proportions can cost a ton of money.... just be quiet - you sound like a pedantic tool..

kind of like Peter Griffin when he's put in any sort of power position - an idiot that thinks he knows everything....
"...kind of like Peter Griffin when he's put in any sort of power position - an idiot that thinks he knows everything...."

Yeah but Lois is hot.
It must be difficult going through life knowing you are just soooo much better, smarter, prettier, and wealthier than everybody else....

shut the hell up - the system is fairly priced for what you get. seamless stainless steel tubing bent in the right proportions can cost a ton of money.... just be quiet - you sound like a pedantic tool..

kind of like Peter Griffin when he's put in any sort of power position - an idiot that thinks he knows everything....
If you think 200 is a fair price for a bent tube, you sir are a moron
On second though don’t do that, I’ll make my own solvent recovery system...I’ll call it.....the recycler...brilliant...for anyone interested in purchasing my upgraded version of the OXG drop me a PM and I’ll have the prototype ready in about a week

Looking forward to the unveiling of your improved "recycler". Is it ready to show off?
Looking forward to the unveiling of your improved "recycler". Is it ready to show off?
Hmm...signed up the 19th and have 5’s pretty obvious your the owner or employee of OXG...look man I’m not trying to be a dick, I’m just being realistic...if you were asking 80$ for the whole kit I’d be onboard...but 2/300 is just insanity
Thanks again for your opinion. You have made it clear to everyone that you think we charge too much. Thanks again.
How are you doing with your low cost version? I would love to see what you have done.