Thrips week 3 flower help!!


So I was checking my plants this morning and noticed I have thrips my plant is in its third week of flowering & it seems like I’ve caught them still early, I’m troubled cause I have 5-6 weeks left .. I’m reading about spraying with soaps but I’m not sure what soap to use .. if anyone can help it be much appreciated thanks.
Ps I didn’t take picture of the damage because I’m 99% sure it’s thrips, cheers


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They are a pain, very hard to kill of completly, you could also use some plant spray containing pyrethrum eg. Never used soap myself, but have used spray with pyrethrum with success!
How many plants we talking about?

I went thru the same situation a few grows back with a shitload of plants in my grow room and spent 2 hours every second day sitting and squishing the little buggers by hand. Was a real PITA but got thru the grow with no sprays. A test branch I sprayed with Safer's soap at the start later had to be tossed as the soap taste was strong even tho it was 6 weeks after the spray and I'd sprayed well the day after with water to rinse it off.

They seemed to avoid the buds and other than lots of spots on some leaves the crop was fine.

I've never used spinosad so have no idea what it's like in that regard.
Personal I’ve sprayed with spinosad during flower once.

I vowed I would never do it again.

Here’s my recommendation with you only being 3 weeks into flower.

Grab yourself a HOT SHOTS NO PEST STRIP.

leave it in your grow area for a dark cycle with all fans OFF!

Repeat as necessary.

The half life of dichlorvos is only around 9 days.

Repeat if required.
3% h202 will kill the eggs and larvae if sprayed directly on your leaves but not during lights on, you'll burn the shit out of them. Try it first on a side leaf just to be sure your plant doesn't react bad but I haven't seen it myself.

It will treat your pests and it will treat pwm as well. It's not the strongest thing you can use but if you kill the kids the adults will die off. Just reapply every 2-3 days for about a week.

Just be sure so spray check first!
How many plants we talking about?

I went thru the same situation a few grows back with a shitload of plants in my grow room and spent 2 hours every second day sitting and squishing the little buggers by hand. Was a real PITA but got thru the grow with no sprays. A test branch I sprayed with Safer's soap at the start later had to be tossed as the soap taste was strong even tho it was 6 weeks after the spray and I'd sprayed well the day after with water to rinse it off.

They seemed to avoid the buds and other than lots of spots on some leaves the crop was fine.

I've never used spinosad so have no idea what it's like in that regard.
Just one plant. I think im gonna rub my hands under the damaged & surrounding leaves then a heavy spray with some dawn soap hopefully that washes them off & spray some spin Spinosad on the soil
If it's just the one plant I'd kill them manually. Dawn soap will leave a strong taste in any buds for sure.

It takes a week after they hatch before they can make more eggs so getting after them every couple of days for a week should be enough to wipe them out. Just a slight rub squishes them but be quick as they can jump.

I'd try the peroxide or even diluted ISO before any kind of soap or other spray. Neither will leave any residue that will affect the buds.
leave it in your grow area for a dark cycle with all fans OFF!

If that thing actually works I think I'd skip a light cycle and leave it in there for 36 hours. Not going to kill off eggs tho I wouldn't think so would have to be repeated a couple more times at least.

Think it works for mites too?
If that thing actually works I think I'd skip a light cycle and leave it in there for 36 hours. Not going to kill off eggs tho I wouldn't think so would have to be repeated a couple more times at least.

Think it works for mites too?

It works for everything!

It releases a toxic vapour.

It recommends you don’t put them in your living areas or expose yourself to it for more than 4 hours.

They’re nasty shit but it dissipates quickly.

Check them out online first and make sure you read the warnings etc.
My plants just hit 3 weeks today and the buds are coming along nicely so I'm hunting down the few mites that managed to survive into flowering. Found a few in a small patch and did a little spot spray but removed the leaves with spots. If a mite has been feeding on a leaf then it's laid eggs on that leaf so within a week they will hatch and the Borg marches on. They be hatching in my burning barrel. Mwahahahahaha! ;)
You must do what you feel is right but why would you use a chemical on your plant that you wouldn't want used on it if you bought it feom a shop?

No pest strips will kill thise fuckers dead but they can also make you sick from being on the same room for to long and then your going to smoke something that will absorb ir into it's system?

I juat don't get the decision to use something so chemically aweful when you can do the same thing over time with less toxic substances.

But the choice is yours!
3% h202 will kill the eggs and larvae if sprayed directly on your leaves but not during lights on, you'll burn the shit out of them. Try it first on a side leaf just to be sure your plant doesn't react bad but I haven't seen it myself.

It will treat your pests and it will treat pwm as well. It's not the strongest thing you can use but if you kill the kids the adults will die off. Just reapply every 2-3 days for about a week.

Just be sure so spray check first!

OP this is the least toxic method which I would try first.

Personally I use H2o2 that’s 12% as part of my IPM.

I mentioned the Hot shots as H2o2 had been mentioned.