Well-Known Member
We've seen time and again established, large, wealthy and much loved businesses fail when a disruptive technology displaces their own. This isn't just a matter of replacing one power plant in an automobile with another. EV and concurrent wide spread deployment of renewable energy are much more than that. The reason large established companies fail to make the leap when disruptive tech comes to the fore is grounded in their success at selling into the old one. Toyota was the largest EV manufacturer in 2017. They sold about a hundred thousand of them. They are nice cars too. Every one of them were sold at a loss and each one took away income from their existing, profitable line of gas fueled cars. There will come a time when they can no longer afford to cannibalize their profitable line of cars to fund the growth of EV. When this happens, Toyota will balk just like GM did.Of cause they will only build as many as they have to. Why build more than you can sell?
Which is why I said pages ago they should stick to building battery packs.
A very good book has been written on the subject.'s_Dilemma