honest genetics

i'll flip the same day. let me know.
If all looks good today, meaning new tops are where I want them to be, I'll be giving them an extended dark cycle tomorrow and they'll hit 12/12 tomorrow night. Right now lights on is from 4pm to 10am, once 12/12 starts they'll go 8pm to 8am.

I'll post back later and tag you when I know what I'm doing.
If all looks good today, meaning new tops are where I want them to be, I'll be giving them an extended dark cycle tomorrow and they'll hit 12/12 tomorrow night. Right now lights on is from 4pm to 10am, once 12/12 starts they'll go 8pm to 8am.

I'll post back later and tag you when I know what I'm doing.
i'm confident my plant(s) will grow enough.. i think. the one plant i'm pretty positive is a male. which sucks because i trained a male but it's okay, just more practice. next time i'm gonna do 12/12 really early at first so that i can get my sex faster which worked with my purp frosting.
here's a picture.
i'm confident my plant(s) will grow enough.. i think. the one plant i'm pretty positive is a male. which sucks because i trained a male but it's okay, just more practice. next time i'm gonna do 12/12 really early at first so that i can get my sex faster which worked with my purp frosting.
here's a picture.
View attachment 4261878
That's some nice training. I'm too lazy to put that kind of effort in. :sleep:
Yeah, it’s really dumb how easy IG made it to get someone’s account deleted. Especially when you have people who make 5+ fake pages to get people deleted with. It’s just silly on there lately
Hey, was wondering - what's the stretch like on purple frosting? does she like to stretch alot? a little?
just 3 more days!! i just NEED to make sure they aren't stunted from me topping them before i send them off into flower.
I'll be following along. I'm going to run out of vertical space if I delay my flip any longer, so today's the day.

Day 1 of 12/12. For some reason I'm unable to insert a picture correctly.
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I'll be following along. I'm going to run out of vertical space if I delay my flip any longer, so today's the day.

Day 1 of 12/12. For some reason I'm unable to insert a picture correctly.
i'm looking at the same problem with vertical space i'm pretty sure. i don't want to flip them while they're stunted though, because i dont want time from stretch being taken out for some stupid growth stunt i caused
Hey, was wondering - what's the stretch like on purple frosting? does she like to stretch alot? a little?
Sorry, I didn’t check back on here for a few days, that is some nice training for sure! I would say most phenos of Purple Frosting double in size but a few go a little more than that as well. None triple though unless you’re in a GH under natural sun since you get a lengthy transition that way. Indoors though they will double or thereabouts ;)
And instead of 12/12 for checking sex just run your plants under 18/6 for a few weeks. Reduce to 14/10 for a few days if necessary, but most plants will reveal under 18/6 within 5-6 weeks. If not though bumping down to 14/10 will make the stragglers reveal themselves within a few days without forcing the transition period. They’ll naturally sex more easily because of the light reduction but full on transitions don’t typically occur until about 13.5 hours or less per day. As I’ve stated before this post when you move all the way down to 12/12 you’ll see a period of rapid growth begin to occur and then sex will show itself easily about a week later but then when you flip back to 18/6 the plants hormones will get confused and you’ll hit a stunt period that can last anywhere from 1-6 weeks depending on the genetics. You have to remember that there are a couple million years of programming built into the cannabicae family of genetics, you can’t unwrite the laws of photosensitivty. So try not to put yourself in a waiting situation for regular growth to resume. Flipping back and forth like some people do causes weak yields if they try to flower again before full recovery of vegging traits too. Also if you think a plant is female you should still rub the part you think is a pistil with your fingertip back and forth. Sometimes you’ll see that there’s a pair of “tiny balls” underneath, and the part you thought was a pistil was just a pollen shield. If you see that, it’s actually a male. Lots of males take very experienced eyes to identify, so it helps to know that not all males like to reveal themselves easily. Sometimes you gotta dig a lot deeper into the traits to discover :weed:
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Sorry, I didn’t check back on here for a few days, that is some nice training for sure! I would say most phenos of Purple Frosting double in size but a few go a little more than that as well. None triple though unless you’re in a GH under natural sun since you get a lengthy transition that way. Indoors though they will double or thereabouts ;)
And instead of 12/12 checking just run your plants under 18/6 for a few weeks. Reduce to 14/10 for a few days if necessary, but most plants will reveal under 18/6 within 5-6 weeks. If not though bumping down to 14/10 will make the stragglers reveal themselves within a few days without forcing the transition period. As I’ve stated before this post when you move all the way down to 12/12 you’ll see a period of rapid growth begin to occur and then sex will show itself easily about a week later but then when you flip back to 18/6 the plants hormones will get confused and you’ll hit a stunt period that can last anywhere from 1-6 weeks depending on the genetics. You have to remember that there are a couple million years of programming built into the cannabicae family of genetics, you can’t unwrite the laws of photosensitivty. So try not to put yourself in a waiting situation for regular growth to resume. Flipping back and forth like some people do causes weak yields if they try to flower again before full recovery of vegging traits too. Also if you think a plant is female you should still rub the part you think is a pistil with your fingertip back and forth. Sometimes you’ll see that there’s a pair of “tiny balls” underneath the cover. If so it’s actually a male. Lots of males take very experienced eyes to identify, so it helps to know that not all males like to reveal themselves easily, so you gotta dig a lot deeper into the traits to discover :weed:
this helps alot, thank you.
After seeing another plant grown to get the topped in half treatment and looking like a single-stalk leggy beanpole, I realized that mine were already shaped wrong and too bushy. So I went ahead and flipped more to flower--Face Punch, Banana Punchscicle and Oregon Orange got moved to the flower tent yesterday. Next round will get grown like beanpole's and then chop-topped and bent.

I also had a Purple Punch a show pre-flower ball sack yesterday, so it got tossed. Lights at 18/6--but I tend to keep the lights at 18/6 all the way during veg.

Honest, what is your recommended light schedule through the life of a plant?
Honest, what is your recommended light schedule through the life of a plant?
18/6 for veg and 12/12 for flower. I’ve done grow studies on 24 hour light vs 18/6 and 20/4 lighting programs and 18/6 gives better growth patterns overall. The plants even grow faster than with pure 24 hour light. And 18/6 and 20/4 seem to accomplish roughly the same growth but 20/4 doesn’t sex the plants as early I’ve noticed. I personally think 18/6 works better because it more accurately depicts natural conditions by allowing the plants a resting period each day and then making them grow with a more natural rhythm. I noticed the plants under 24 hour light don’t dry out their soil as quickly as plants under 18/6 too. On 18/6 the plants will predictably soak up more water in the morning after the lights come on whereas 24 hour plants never see a natural rhythm like that. Also why waste the extra 6 hours on power for the lights when 18 does the job better than 24 ;)
Cuts the power bill down 25% on veg and it does a better job growing the plants :bigjoint:
this helps alot, thank you.
If you ever have issues identifying sex you can also use a jewelers loop or magnifying glass as well to look at the bracts with. The naked eye can’t always see all the minute details, but under 30x magnification it’s a lot easier to know what you’re looking at ;)
If you ever have issues identifying sex you can also use a jewelers loop or magnifying glass as well to look at the bracts with. The naked eye can’t always see all the minute details, but under 30x magnification it’s a lot easier to know what you’re looking at ;)
i'm starting flower today in hopes that i can maintain my nodes to only reach 12 inches, hoping they spring up, biased off your experience with purp frost, how many in do you think the nodes will get to be? they're (roughly)3in now.
18/6 for veg and 12/12 for flower. I’ve done grow studies on 24 hour light vs 18/6 and 20/4 lighting programs and 18/6 gives better growth patterns overall. The plants even grow faster than with pure 24 hour light. And 18/6 and 20/4 seem to accomplish roughly the same growth but 20/4 doesn’t sex the plants as early I’ve noticed. I personally think 18/6 works better because it more accurately depicts natural conditions by allowing the plants a resting period each day and then making them grow with a more natural rhythm. I noticed the plants under 24 hour light don’t dry out their soil as quickly as plants under 18/6 too. On 18/6 the plants will predictably soak up more water in the morning after the lights come on whereas 24 hour plants never see a natural rhythm like that. Also why waste the extra 6 hours on power for the lights when 18 does the job better than 24 ;)
Cuts the power bill down 25% on veg and it does a better job growing the plants :bigjoint:
What are your thoughts on alternate flowering light cycles? Such as 11/13 or even 10/14? Is that something you've looked into at all?
The girls are on day 4 of 12/12. Still growing and drinking at an increasingly rapid rate...these 1 gallon Radicle bags are definitely going to require me to put some extra effort in to keep them happy.



Speaking of the Radicle bags...I'm loving the free movement of roots. These bags are going to be loaded from top to bottom with fine roots.

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