The wall

Why did you marry yours? Why do you ask?

I have repeatedly told you about what you are fishing for.
Kohen tribe Jew but your wife is not
Why did you marry yours? Why do you ask?

I have repeatedly told you about what you are fishing for.

Try being smarter. Maybe you will make progress.
you claim Kohen tribe Jew but your wife is not. My understanding is that you two were not to marry. That is if you are a practicing Jew...did you lie about that as well
Voters across all racial and ethnic groups believe Trump is setting race relations back. Three quarters of African Americans, Latinos and Asian Americans believe Trump is setting race relations back while a small majority of white voters believe so. Black women (89%), in particular, feel disrespected by President Trump. This is a likely contributor to why African American women voters have had high turnout in recent off year and special elections – witness Alabama and Virginia.
“I’ve always been opposed to racism and also I refuse to condemn this member for saying a black military veteran only succeeded due to affirmative action”

A clever comeback to an insulting jerk is not racism goof.

Look how effective it was. You are still defending yourself. Uh. London. Or is it buck. Or?.......
Things bugeye speaks out against:

-sjws who call him racist
-black president lowering deficit
-black president slowing premiums

Things bugeye refuses to condemn or celebrated:

-holocaust deniers who defend the daily stormer after targeting Jewish kids
-someone telling a black military veteran that he only succeeded due to affirmative action
-trump raising the deficit by $2 trillion
-trump skyrocketing premiums
-trump calling nazis very fine people
-trump saying Jews are hate criming themselves

Do we have to do these things properly to please you?

Because people who dont feel the way you are accusing do not feel the need to denounce or accuse.

Thats reserved for hysterical crybabies.
you claim Kohen tribe Jew but your wife is not. My understanding is that you two were not to marry. That is if you are a practicing Jew...did you lie about that as well

I told you i dont practice. Do you remember anything you ask?

And my mothers ancestry is the Cohane tribe.

You fish where you wont catch anything. So just make up the next lie about me.