I had some sour apple and pacifier crosses gifted to me,unfortunately they didn't survive the letter stamper at the post office.
Lovely gals btw.
Hmmm.....there's an old school way to do a send that prevents that kinda stuff. A few folks here know what I'm sayin'. (BTW...ever grow/finish any of those I sent?)
It's also a great way to send bubble hash. Makes it >everytime<...
The seedbanks need to start using this method, IMO. Wayyyy cheaper sends...far less scrutiny...if any. (basically...if no Anthrax (LOL) falls out of the envelope...it will go through)
Cardboard...coroplast...Q-tips....tape....envelope. I can detail the process back channel if anyone wants to know. I doubt there are prying eyes here....but it's been a good gig so don't wanna jinx it
Anxiously awaiting the next drop. Decisions, decisions! Was funny as shit....kinda dropped the hint "I might be buying more seeds" to the old lady....expecting one of those head cocks (no, not that kinda head)....then she said "Can you get more of that Sugarberry Scone stuff?" When I told her No....but that the drop is from the same cat and likely to be in that same league....she didn't even flinch when I said "I'll probably buy mutiple packs and will likely need to hit (drain) the cash machine hard"
Woot! "C'mon Ice Cream"