Show off your glass!

Yep, it is a battle, lol. But, it's also an addiction and addicts do what they have to do!
The heady game is getting to be pretty damn reasonable on Instagram. I've been predicting its going to be a mini microbrewery bubble all over again, they're gonna saturate themselves out of business. I've found a few artists that will be posting lots of awesome deals. I'm mostly after 14mm small waterpipes and flower bubblers, and some will post a nice worked 8" 14mm for 140$ one day then a couple weeks later its down to 100$, ect.

My goal for the year is sell off my china prodo glass and replace it all with nicer heady stuff. I found a guy who does a ton of stuff with Simpsons Millie's, I'm looking to get a bubbler with a slide and a bunch of simpsons millies all over it. I'm guessing that'd be like 150 from what I've seen from him. If you want DM me and I'll send you some artists I"ve been following.

edit: I was also interested in how you liked that swiss cheese perk? Does it hit like an egg? looks like it would be nicer for concentrates? Thanks this dude stole my invention once, 2 week later tho the chinese made $1 plastic ones (theres some on this cunts site)

he made jack shit from it after i emailed him and laughed about all the Chinese ones so i didn't loose out really.

The thing is he fucked it up by making cheap nasty molded gold n silver looking ones, my idea was to make them from beautiful custom design glass.

If anyone makes them outta glass let me know, i have sites and twitters i can through them all through for a cut of the profits.

You can buy gold flake and diamond dust off ebay, i was thinking of adding that to the glass and selling for 1 million dollars !
So yesterday went to the Dr. in the city, so that gave me an opportunity to stop by my favorite glass/head shop. Done biz with them for many years, know the owner and his wife, great folks and he makes some great glass.
So I am talking to the owner and said I was making some Rosin and only had a straw that I had bought at his place before I got my Dabpress. He walked over to one of the shelves picked up this rig and said you need this. I looked at the price, $90 and said maybe later don't want to spend that amount now. He said, Oh Dude, no I will let you have this for 50, has both the bong and the banger included. One of his artist made this one, so he has to pay him for it, but did not mark it up.
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I went out to the truck, got 5 joints of Cheese, came back in and gave it to him. Us Hippies have to remain in unison!

Just tried it, works well of course I had to much on the dabber so, yes I am very high.