Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

Not sure if this specific forum is the one I should use. I still have about 60 days to wait, but I'm looking for a vape pen that won't break the bank. Any suggestions? Or is there another forum I should go to, fellow Illinoisans?

I'm brand new to cartridge style vape pens starting just this week when I got my card. And now that I've tried them, I'm thinking that's really the way to go for convenience and stealth.

I went to my dispensary a couple of days ago and was talking about various options, and the guy recommended a vape pen, and then gave me a free one (branded with the Cresco logo, so it's likely a cheap promotional item) with the purchase of a 500 milligram cartridge of Durban Poison Live Liquid Resin for $55. That shit is potent! Based on just a couple of days experience, I'm guessing it will last me quite a while, like a month or more. (YMMV - I'm not a heavy doser, and mix things up with edibles, smoking and vaping.)

So if you're just starting out vaping, I'd recommend telling your dispensary person that, and asking if they have any special deals if you buy a cartridge - you may get a vape free.

Btw, my dispensary also has pre-loaded disposable vapes. I didn't get one and don't recall what the cost was, but it wasn't very much, somewhere around the cost of the set up I got.
I've been on 90 days now. I just got a letter saying that my Proof of Residency documents were not good.

I've emailed two more in that should work. Any idea how long they take after a step like this? Scared I'll be in for another 90 days.

Couple to a few weeks. Basically when you send something they accept you'll be approved. You keep your place in line you're just standing off to the side for a bit.
February 1st will be day
Is you address on your ID different from your current address ? If so you could have sent an insurance policy, or a bank statement within a certain amount of days. Either 30 or 90 the check list had said.

I had to renew my license and changed my address then. I think that was about 3 weeks after I submitted my application online. Today is day 69 for me and I hope there are no issues.
I've been lurking here for over a month while waiting patiently for my card. Finally decided to set up an account and post.

I submitted my application online on 10/16
Called today and was approved just this morning 1/7

The lady told me to wait about two weeks because they are being sent to PA to print, then mailed directly from there.
This all seems to be in line with what I've read here. I just wanted to post the dates for anyone who is interested.
Also, I asked for my QP# since I already set up my account at medicalcannabispatients.illinois .gov
She gave me the QP# and told me it's pointless. But it was nice to be able to search on the IL website and see my # listed as "Active"!!!

You should be able to go to the dispensary with your QP# and a state ID. I would call them and ask.
Even if this info was officially announced on the IDPH website (it's not), I wouldn't bet on it happening as planned. The IDPH has not done a single thing with the MCPP 'by the book' yet.


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mlpntr, the information on the website is not at all new or recent - it's been the law since Aug. The only difference is the "estimated early 2019", which has been the speculation around here for a couple of months.
You should be able to go to the dispensary with your QP# and a state ID. I would call them and ask.
Yes, the law says you should be able to do this, but the state hasn't been following the letter of the law. Many people have already called and asked, and the answer is no, you can't do this until the state implements provisional access. It appears now that they're looking at Feb. 1 for that, but if I had a farm, I wouldn't bet it on PA being available on that date.
I’ve had my card for a little over a month. Safe to say: there is no going back. Life is so much better with the card.

You’ll never take my access to the best cannabis!!

I'm still iffy on how much it helps. Sleep, OMG, yes. And they say sleep helps everything else (except my migraines, which may have been worse for a while but tomorrow makes a week since my last one).

I see people complaining about prices. It's the same price I was given on the street for an 8th. Slightly more for a 4th. Probably much better prices on 1/2 (actually the 1/2 I got was the price of a street 1/4). Quality is as good as I've seen, tasted or felt in recent years, far above anything back in my active stoner days.
I can't compare to other states, but I hear people from those states complaining just like I hear people from IL complaining. I think people just like to complain.

While doing the daily grind I was thinking how with legal weed everyone is worried about how it is grown and if it is safe. When it was illegal weed nobody cared if it was sprayed with paraquat or who's ass it was stuffed in to get it across the border.
While doing the daily grind I was thinking how with legal weed everyone is worried about how it is grown and if it is safe. When it was illegal weed nobody cared if it was sprayed with paraquat or who's ass it was stuffed in to get it across the border.

This is exactly why I decided to finally go with a medical card, and give up on street weed. Now I know exactly what I'm getting every single time.