
Well-Known Member
Lyrics to Oh, Angela :
I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I'm the kind of guy who will

Not insist that you go on the Pi-ill

I'm cool with splitting the bi-ill

And I'll kill who you want me to KILL

And you can smack my bottom

I don't got no condoms

We've got a lot in common

You and me

Don't you see

Don't you see

D-d-d-d-don't you see

My heart is bea-beat-ing


t-t-t-t-t-t-t-OH! Angela!

Oh how I need you so

Cause your eyes are like two shining blue rockets in the night

Come to take me away

Come abduct me, or maybe you won't

And you'll wake up when I cry

And don't let me hurt you

Just by accident

I probably won't

But just in case I do


Ah fudge.

dude i wanna watch that clip, i can't find it on youtube... =(


Well-Known Member
mmmmkay i wuz only trying 2 make a point that ur a niice person :bigjoint:
Yes, but you're missing the point that there are only certain people I tackle and smother with love. If you think I do it to everyone, then you obviously do not appreciate it for the HONOR and PRIVILEGE that it is :razz:


Well-Known Member
wher in that post did i say i didnt appreciate jus saying ur a friendly person..
I didn't say you said that. By posting "oh she does that to everyone" you obviously don't realize that it's special and I only do it to certain people :neutral:

But yes, I'm a friendly person :grin:


Well-Known Member
I love everyone, some more than others! Goodnight my loved lovers! Oh that sounded kinkay! :eyesmoke:

Oh well, onto real things... here are some Alaska pics for those that've been patiently waiting... sorry I've not been around much, moving takes a lot out of a person!


Here is a glacier moraine, it's when two glaciers come together and form 1, the black line is of course the deviding line of the once two, but now one glacier... and it flows about 10 miles up from this viewpoint here.

and this one to me is the coolest, the blue of the glacier crevasses shows how pure the glacier water is, and also, the deeper the blue the more deep the crevasse. *note, pictures does not show just how BLUE they really are, order an Ocean Water from Sonic and you've got the color of a deep crevasse, also... for a scale reference, we're about 250-300ft above the glacier, meaning those crevasses are a good 30-70ft deep, freaky eh?*



Well-Known Member
It's nice to see you back SocataSmoker. Those pics. are awesome. How are things going out there in the frozen land?