Well-Known Member
like i said, if someone said that the vast majority of jews were "feeble minded", i would not rely on his organization to fund my "research", and i would not praise him as an "expert biologist" who just wants to keep america intelligent
the same goes for people who say we should ship black people back to africa. i would not want them to fund my "research"
evidence for that funding please? i've asked you several times already for a link you have failed to provide one
the other claims you made were about long dead people and didnt stand up to even cursory inspection
i havent even watched the video all i did was come into this thread do a quick fact check on you claims and as usual it turns out your making shit up againand if someone did write a book filled with racist junk pseudoscience and was funded by people who want to ship black people back to africa and people who said jews were "feeble minded" and who praised the "jews are feeble minded" guy as an expert biologist who just wants to keep america intelligent, i would not do a fawning interview with that guy
in fact, i would not do any fawning interviews or give any time at all to anyone like that, or relly anyone who is effusively praised by david duke and other white supremacists, neo-nazis, klanmen, and the like
sam harris did choose to do that though. it is sad to see losers like you and the now-banned beefkitty get radicalized into hateful racism and white supremacy and neo-nazism by such obvious charlatans, grifters, and carnival barkers.
i do not hold out much hope for your recoveries either. once you accept the hateful, racist poison you have accepted very few ever stop being hateful racist losers.
take care
do better with your research and stop crying wolf every time someone doesnt swallow your bullshit