Well-Known Member
Great job man they look so good
Great job man they look so good
I havtransplantednumerous times and If your gentle with it I have seen no issue from it
Nope. Google it, plenty of DIY to choose from.But doesn’t it have to be in complete darkness?
For my auto seedlings I just began using this "instatransplant "cup method I read about in a thread by G.Leaves, a mod on another site. Very easy and totally stressless for the plant and me! I was getting my butt kicked turning pots over to transplant and having everything go to hell in a hand basket. View attachment 4267211Congrat's on your first grow man, it looks much better than mine haha.
As far as your question, I'm not sure about auto's and transplant shock but, could planting straight into the final pot cause compaction issues later on down the road? I notice a lot of perlite rising to the surface over time and it makes me curious.
What I do is cut all the buds off the stalks then take two huge bowls put the bud in the one bowl and have the other one half way on and a couple times a day I shuffle the buds up this will make it take about six days to dry before you put it in the jar. You want it to take longer to dry then faster that is how u get good taste and aroma. I have found this works best for me
What I do is cut all the buds off the stalks then take two huge bowls put the bud in the one bowl and have the other one half way on and a couple times a day I shuffle the buds up this will make it take about six days to dry before you put it in the jar. You want it to take longer to dry then faster that is how u get good taste and aroma. I have found this works best for me
I would say they are both ready honestly they look well done for sure