what are dispensaries paying growers per LB in your area??

I'm sure even a home grower could manage a comfortable living with the right setup but, good luck getting the required licensing. For example; The State of Washington is only allowing a certain number of producer(grower) licences to be issued and I am fairly certain(in my opinion) that only the well qualified, larger operations(Yes, the people with the big money who will in turn be paying the most taxes) will be getting the licensing. And there are many, many, many well qualified applicants already in the waiting line whom will never get approved. When the limit is reached...

Even if you moved to a medical state, got your "green"(mmj) card and got a permit to grow for other patients. I'm not sure of the exact details but I'm thinking that(with the proper permit) you can only grow for four patients total? And you may only be allowed to share the expenses with the other patients listed on your permit and you can not profit from it.
But like I stated, I'm not sure(don't remember) of the exact details that I read at some point in the past. And of course it varies from state to state.
We’re not limiting in Oklahoma come on down. No plant limit for commercial growers. Have a buddy that received his commercial license in a week, I got my patient license in a week. They have been great about approving.
Southern oregon is the place to move to. Anyone outside of city limits- in jackson county where i live at least- can grow 48 medical plants by simply obtaining 'grower' status for 8 individual medical cardholders. With an ideal season, good timing, weather, genetics, etc... a good grower can easily clear 150lbs. of commercial, $1000+/lb. dank ass bud. Minus the amount you need to keep your patients well supplied for the year, one can pull in 120k-150k each outdoor season... add to that all the opportunities for an auto flower crop and light dep, 200k a year is not an unrealilistic figure.
Granted, you could fuck it all up and not bring in any cash... but thas not too likely if you have some cultivation skill.
Been at over 15 years though, so my perspective is likely skewed...
Not to mention that the profiteering end of it is illegal in the manner i just described- though it is what everyone is doing.
Had a banner season myself:)
Oh yeah, the stress level of your family's livelyhood riding on farming, its rough!View attachment 3828205 View attachment 3828212
Here you can just pay 2500 for a grower license and have as many plants as you wish. Approval time is about a week and they are not limiting.
I produce about a pound per month with a 3x3 veg tent and 2 600’s in a 4x8 flower area. Using a staggared perpetual. Maximizes space and production with a harvest every 10 days on average.
So you're running more efficiently, with more than 1k, and pulling less than half what Qwiso said he does. As I said, this is the internet