Maybe I should look up the stuff he talked about, and then try to find sources, maybe we can look at those without becoming anti-intellectual..
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!it is best not to give fascists any sort of an audience
doesn't he have neo-nazi gavin mcinnes his show for friendly chit chats?HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
You think Joe Rogan is a fascist? Do you even read what you write?
I'm not one of your idiot friends or spouse that's impressed with your mediocre mind.doesn't he have neo-nazi gavin mcinnes his show for friendly chit chats?
if i had a radio show i would not host racists or nazis and legitimize their hateful ideologyI'm not one of your idiot friends or spouse that's impressed with your mediocre mind.
Begging the question on one of the principals of your argument and combining it with with a principal that, by default attempts to elicits a "yes" response is for children who cannot defend their statement.
McInnies is an idiot, and probably actually is racist, but that doesn't make him a neo-nazi and your idiotic attempt to get a yes answer to both propositions in one fell swoop, is as simple as you and rather boring.
Joe Rogan interviewed a person, he didn't say he accepts his views.
Stop pretending talking to someone endorses their views, or has anything to do with the interviewers ideology.
if i had a radio show i would not host racists or nazis and legitimize their hateful ideology
would you?
if someone was leading neo-nazi paramilitary militias around and beating innocent civilians in the streets while blatantly spreading neo-nazi propaganda i definitely would not host them. that would legitimize their ideologyNo one cares what you'd do.
...and you're doing it again. Having someone on a talk show does not legitimize their ideology. You don't get to claim it does, while begging the question on another premise in order to get the answers you want.
Did Joe Rogan ever say, "I agree with you on your Nazi ideology", hint that he agreed with Nazi ideology, or agree with anything racist that McInnes said? That's how you determine what Joe Rogan believes, not by the fact that he spoke with someone whom you disagree with.
No one thinks you're smart or quick-witted for repeatedly trying to pull the same tired-ass nonsense. The "everything I don't like is racist", shtick is boring and so are you.
"Me Buck. Me no like McInnes. Rogan talk to bad man, that mean Rogan bad man."if someone was leading neo-nazi paramilitary militias around and beating innocent civilians in the streets while blatantly spreading neo-nazi propaganda i definitely would not host them. that would legitimize their ideology
mcinnes is indeed a nazi who blatantly professes white supremacy so yes, joe rogan is very bad for giving him an audience"Me Buck. Me no like McInnes. Rogan talk to bad man, that mean Rogan bad man."
Oh, Buck... you're such an intellectual coward.
Don't kid yourself; having intellect is what makes you an intellectual.i should write a book about how makeup is an invitation to sexually harass women and then i'll be an intellectual
Joe Rohan supports nazis by putting nazis like Gavin mcinnes on his show and giving them an audienceDon't kid yourself; having intellect is what makes you an intellectual.
Clearly the video has shut you up about Joe Rogan supporting nazi's, so at least you've smartened up about that.
Joe Rohan supports nazis by putting nazis like Gavin mcinnes on his show and giving them an audience
No one with an intellect thinks makeup is an invitation to sexual harassment. You’re confusing misogyny with intellect because you’re very dumb
Gavin McInnes isn't a Nazi, so Joe Rogan isn't supporting Nazi's. It's that simple.
No one said it's an invitation, except you... because you're a giant, sweaty, dumb-ass with a grade 7 education equivalent. Peterson said he thought it might be one of the reasons it happens in the workplace, not that it was an invitation.