Does soilless dry quicker then soil?


Well-Known Member
swapped to soilless but i can't find this answer anywhere. with soil i water in my flowering plants about every 4-5 days. same went in veg in smaller pots about every 4-5 days until they got bigger. I am wondering though for soilless would it dry faster thus requiring more frequent watering despite i don't change the amount i water.

i am using Pro Mix HP no added perlite. i run my lights on 24/0, humidity is around 60's% it fluctuates usually mid 60%. temps at a steady 80F. have a fan in their as well but doesn't blow directly on the plants. plants are also in fabric pots to help with aeration.

also how do i treat soilless like pro mix? im reading various opinions some say treat it like soil when watering and let it dry out. others say because it is soilless to treat it more like coco and water daily.


Ursus marijanus
swapped to soilless but i can't find this answer anywhere. with soil i water in my flowering plants about every 4-5 days. same went in veg in smaller pots about every 4-5 days until they got bigger. I am wondering though for soilless would it dry faster thus requiring more frequent watering despite i don't change the amount i water.

i am using Pro Mix HP no added perlite. i run my lights on 24/0, humidity is around 60's% it fluctuates usually mid 60%. temps at a steady 80F. have a fan in their as well but doesn't blow directly on the plants. plants are also in fabric pots to help with aeration.

also how do i treat soilless like pro mix? im reading various opinions some say treat it like soil when watering and let it dry out. others say because it is soilless to treat it more like coco and water daily.
I used Sunshine Mix #4 which is a lot like ProMix. It was not sensitive to being dried out or not.

The best thing I can recommend is to have a "dry pot" weight reference. You can dry these media all the way out without consequence so long as your plants don't go slumpy from drought.


Well-Known Member
Basically yes...

However if your only watering every 4 days in flower you have major issues in soil. If your not water every day or every other day tops your really not doing soil in the right size container imo...


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I used Sunshine Mix #4 which is a lot like ProMix. It was not sensitive to being dried out or not.

The best thing I can recommend is to have a "dry pot" weight reference. You can dry these media all the way out without consequence so long as your plants don't go slumpy from drought.
Wait you use ProMix, I used Sunshine Advanced, and they are equivalent


Well-Known Member
For example I water pretty much every day and if the plants are really doing great maybe one on the morning and one at night. Honestly.
yes i water less often primarily cause i have tendency to over water thats how majority of my first grow died. plants seem to do well but yea i know i need to work on watering thus why im trying to tone my watering skills further each grow.

how much are you watering? i literally water the entire pots 2 5gals about 1gal of water. i also live in Hawaii so we have high humidity all year round.
Wait you use ProMix, I used Sunshine Advanced, and they are equivalent
yes that is what they carry only here. never seen any sunshine in the stores. lots of miracle grow, ffof in a select few stores, roots organics, and coco.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
swapped to soilless but i can't find this answer anywhere. with soil i water in my flowering plants about every 4-5 days. same went in veg in smaller pots about every 4-5 days until they got bigger. I am wondering though for soilless would it dry faster thus requiring more frequent watering despite i don't change the amount i water.

i am using Pro Mix HP no added perlite. i run my lights on 24/0, humidity is around 60's% it fluctuates usually mid 60%. temps at a steady 80F. have a fan in their as well but doesn't blow directly on the plants. plants are also in fabric pots to help with aeration.

also how do i treat soilless like pro mix? im reading various opinions some say treat it like soil when watering and let it dry out. others say because it is soilless to treat it more like coco and water daily.
First change your light cycle and let the poor things exhale ;D You know I luv u


Well-Known Member
First change your light cycle and let the poor things exhale ;D You know I luv u
lol i will be. slowly though been testing 24/0 primarily to see personal results on the whole 24/0 dark cycle debates. so far i really don't see much of an improvement im doing another test with my flowering plants somewhat similar in a different fashion. in the spot i keep them at they get light 24/7 of some sort be it indirect, direct, of via the street light. they can flower under the street light regardless but they show no signs of "sleeping" so what i been doing is putting them in a complete dark area for the flip on a daily basis and the results seem a LOT better with this actual dark cycle with no actual light interruptions.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
lol i will be. slowly though been testing 24/0 primarily to see personal results on the whole 24/0 dark cycle debates. so far i really don't see much of an improvement im doing another test with my flowering plants somewhat similar in a different fashion. in the spot i keep them at they get light 24/7 of some sort be it indirect, direct, of via the street light. they can flower under the street light regardless but they show no signs of "sleeping" so what i been doing is putting them in a complete dark area for the flip on a daily basis and the results seem a LOT better with this actual dark cycle with no actual light interruptions.
To really test that you need clones in the same growing media then do different light cycles. We all need a sleep cycle on this planet, even if you only give them 2 hours.......... just google the research is all there. Anyway you'll pull a little less not huge difference, I just feel for those plants :P


Well-Known Member
To really test that you need clones in the same growing media then do different light cycles. We all need a sleep cycle on this planet, even if you only give them 2 hours.......... just google the research is all there. Anyway you'll pull a little less not huge difference, I just feel for those plants :P
clones make a lot of sense yea i dont experiment with clones so far in the future though. i dont feel bad for them not as much as i feel for myself sleeping with the lights shining in my face 24/7


Well-Known Member
still unsure about the watering issue though. i just watched a video which was related to what growingforfun was talking about.

idk how accurate that information is but he too reccomends treating it like coco basically from what it sounds like. i usually see this with my roots organic soil though. i water it but a lot of the water just runs right through the pots regardless how slow im watering and like growingforfun stated im watering weird maybe this is why my plants are decently sized for their pots but can't take up 1gal even for 2 5gal pots because im basically not even watering the entire pots due to constantly letting it get too dry over the days before watering and repeating said practice?


Well-Known Member
still confused about the watering. pots feel light after almost a full day since watered extremely light but when i poke my finger in it's still feeling damp. think im going to let it run until tonight then water. the tops do look like they are beginning to dry out though but hard to tell because i watered as much with 1 gal as i could equally so it could of just not gotten the entire surface. just the weight feels extremely off to me compared to what im used to.


Well-Known Member
I've been using ProMix HP for years and let it dry out between waterings. With my 4gal pots they get about a gal every 4 or 5 days and we have fairly low humidity. I would expect an extra day or two if we had higher RH.

Water will run thru if I dump it in fast but I let them sit in the runoff for an hour and only remove what water remains in the trays, if any, after that to make sure it's well soaked throughout. I'm using black plastic pots.


Well-Known Member
I've been using ProMix HP for years and let it dry out between waterings. With my 4gal pots they get about a gal every 4 or 5 days and we have fairly low humidity. I would expect an extra day or two if we had higher RH.

Water will run thru if I dump it in fast but I let them sit in the runoff for an hour and only remove what water remains in the trays, if any, after that to make sure it's well soaked throughout. I'm using black plastic pots.
yea im trying to keep my waterings like more consistent so far what i've been doing is getting better. roots are looking nice and healthier over time and gaining more root mass over all. just hard to judge with a new medium surprisingly the tops are already almost dry. i see bits that look dry but mostly wet but like i said the weight it feels VERY dry. it's super light but i dug my finger in entirely and it feels moist. i have dry 5gal buckets full of pro mix because thats the only way i could properly store the huge ass bale but it almost feels the same weight as the 5gal buckets with the dry pro mix inside of it. the bucket alone is heavier then the fabric pots themselves.

im going to try and run a 2 day watering for now and see how that goes. plants are fairly small for a 3gal though so i can only expect over watering issues. ironically after the massacre yesterday they are showing good signs of growth. idk if it's just the pro mix, the supplements im adding or simply because i went from 24/0 to 18/6 so the dark cycle kinda helps um out


Well-Known Member
swapped to soilless but i can't find this answer anywhere. with soil i water in my flowering plants about every 4-5 days. same went in veg in smaller pots about every 4-5 days until they got bigger. I am wondering though for soilless would it dry faster thus requiring more frequent watering despite i don't change the amount i water.

i am using Pro Mix HP no added perlite. i run my lights on 24/0, humidity is around 60's% it fluctuates usually mid 60%. temps at a steady 80F. have a fan in their as well but doesn't blow directly on the plants. plants are also in fabric pots to help with aeration.

also how do i treat soilless like pro mix? im reading various opinions some say treat it like soil when watering and let it dry out. others say because it is soilless to treat it more like coco and water daily.
promix needs to go thur wet- dry times if not roots will rot an ph will drop like a rock!an its dries out faster than soil because it holds less water??


Well-Known Member
promix needs to go thur wet- dry times if not roots will rot an ph will drop like a rock!an its dries out faster than soil because it holds less water??
isnt pro mix supposed to hold more water then soil does? i am thinking it dries out faster maybe because it's more airy. the soil i use looks and feels compacted over time. this stuff it feels nice and squishy. weight wise it feels dry but it isn't at least not compared to my finger test. i might just treat it the same way i been treating my other soil let it dry out more but not get fully dry but also dont water it daily like coco.

i have a question about feeding as well. with Pro mix i'd want to feed like coco every watering yes? or would i treat it like soil as well. in soil i feed, water, feed, water. flushing every time i water. usually 10-15% run off regardless feeding or watering.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
isnt pro mix supposed to hold more water then soil does? i am thinking it dries out faster maybe because it's more airy. the soil i use looks and feels compacted over time. this stuff it feels nice and squishy. weight wise it feels dry but it isn't at least not compared to my finger test. i might just treat it the same way i been treating my other soil let it dry out more but not get fully dry but also dont water it daily like coco.

i have a question about feeding as well. with Pro mix i'd want to feed like coco every watering yes? or would i treat it like soil as well. in soil i feed, water, feed, water. flushing every time i water. usually 10-15% run off regardless feeding or watering.
I use promix bx and I do the same as you do with soil I feed water feed water flushing every time I water as well.