Emery drama


Well-Known Member

His reply https://www.facebook.com/100007293169378/posts/2268432193409864 I'm all for innocent until proven guilty but pretty sure you want to lawyer up and not say a word unless the lawyer tells you in accusation situations like these.

I don't think it was on this forum but on ICmag possibly some years back but there were lots of info and screen shots posted about him and stuff that was going on in Ontario before coming to BC. That thread was later deleted
Crazy to me how his contributions to the plant keep being overrided by claims such as these be it fact or fiction. Back in the day I flew out to by seeds in person as there was no one else with balls to do what he did... Like it or hate it. The guy was the first at alot of what we take for granted. Cannabis Canada magazine was cool back in the late 90s... i know for a fact the first smoking vape room was there in the late 90s down near east hastings cause i bought 2. By that time I knew a dozen people who were enabled by the cannabis canada catalogue. I still have lots of those seeds and hand labelled vials. He had some cool beans back in the day. Before that it was much more of a challenge to order seeds. White widow, Romulan, Canadian Ruderalis, Burmese Indica, Hindu Kush, Afghani, Mighty Mite, Donkey Dick.... i could go on but enough said. Imo If your dick hasn't made you do a few stupid things then you probably haven't truly lived...
Crazy to me how his contributions to the plant keep being overrided by claims such as these be it fact or fiction. Back in the day I flew out to by seeds in person as there was no one else with balls to do what he did... Like it or hate it. The guy was the first at alot of what we take for granted. Cannabis Canada magazine was cool back in the late 90s... i know for a fact the first smoking vape room was there in the late 90s down near east hastings cause i bought 2. By that time I knew a dozen people who were enabled by the cannabis canada catalogue. I still have lots of those seeds and hand labelled vials. He had some cool beans back in the day. Before that it was much more of a challenge to order seeds. White widow, Romulan, Canadian Ruderalis, Burmese Indica, Hindu Kush, Afghani, Mighty Mite, Donkey Dick.... i could go on but enough said. Imo If your dick hasn't made you do a few stupid things then you probably haven't truly lived...
So we overlook his behaviour because of weed? Lol. Dude has a history of being a creep, I remember reading about this same topic 10+ years ago. There are people who contributed more with better moral character. Ever see the episode of South Park about people so smug and pretentious they huff their own farts? Reminds me of Emery. Ask the guy what time it is and he'll tell you how to build a clock......
Isn’t this dudes wife literally half his age
And he married her when she was super young. Who’s really surprised here

Dude is a scumbag and he was fighting to sell for himself not others.

Every man for himself?...let's not disparage pioneers because it is politically easy....

Throw away your principles of governance today, and you fucking deserve what you get tomorrow....

I won' t be here. Going somewhere else.
Every man for himself?...let's not disparage pioneers because it is politically easy....

Throw away your principles of governance today, and you fucking deserve what you get tomorrow....

I won' t be here. Going somewhere else.
Of what profiting like a bandit while claiming it was for the greater good?
I don’t really care about what’s politically easy I’ve always thought he was greasy.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion tho
Every man for himself?...let's not disparage pioneers because it is politically easy....

Throw away your principles of governance today, and you fucking deserve what you get tomorrow....

I won' t be here. Going somewhere else.
Not every pioneer is a saint.
In fact, very few of are...
Of what profiting like a bandit while claiming it was for the greater good?
I don’t really care about what’s politically easy I’ve always thought he was greasy.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion tho
Doesnt matter what the motive. He was a pioneer. He was doing it when nobody else had the balls. Thats a pioneer.
But hat doesnt make him a good person though. Even Davey Crocket was a throat cutter.
Not every pioneer is a saint.
In fact, very few of are...
Difference being the pioneers you speak of lived in an entirely different era which held different laws and morals which are no longer accepted or held by todays modern standards. Apples and Oranges comparison.

This is why all the SJWs wanting to tear down statues is a hilarious reflection of the indoctrination, not education of todays youth.
Doesnt matter what the motive. He was a pioneer. He was doing it when nobody else had the balls. Thats a pioneer.
But hat doesnt make him a good person though. Even Davey Crocket was a throat cutter.

Jack Herer? Raphael Machoulem? Dennis Peron? Keith Stroup? ALL doing it before Emery. Please educate yourself before making hilarious false claims. Kind of like your Davey Crockett example, again, different era in history. Using that false logic the slave trade in Libya should be acceptable right? I mean other people in the past have owned them so........
Of what profiting like a bandit while claiming it was for the greater good?
I don’t really care about what’s politically easy I’ve always thought he was greasy.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion tho

I don't know anything about this new soap opera stuff, but he was always a greasy piece of shit. Little fucking weasel . Fuck him and his overhyped prince of pot bullshit.

Cheers :)

It's like this western Canuck pioneer (who once gained sympathy while extradited to USA over a prison sentence for selling seeds...) now faces serious sexual misconduct accusations. Although i actually got no idea/opinion about the alleged facts i can personally testify that i just witnessed my local French-speaking TV news bulletin performing more bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionist propaganda a few minutes ago.

This time by clearly instrumentalizing such opportunity to mention that Marc Emery, "Prince of Pot" (...), etc., etc. Euh... Just to play another subliminal juxtaposition game where 2 very different things get conveniently associated together - m'well i mean it's more convenient for those selling "information" anyway.


It appears the CCF "community" went off-line recently, i guess it's no wonder. The Emery couple sure had agendas but i see no gain in loosing CCF, considering it attempted to provide pro-cannabic discussion space in both official languages, as far as i'm concerned. So i'd try to differentiate between the various aspects, for example it's no punishment targeting CCF members despite their years-long support.

It turns out i didn't personally appreciate the couple's political involvement, etc., but i'll say i like even less to think that their demise now pleases my enemies all too much! ... Someone at TVA realized Pot & Sex Crime from English Canada would justify one more brave contribution to our public monochromatic space; e.g. just last night they broadcasted a show on homeless chronic stoners, with a few anti-tobaco ads as i recall. ... Go figure what's next tomorrow!


Briefly put there's the fact, then the facts behind the fact. It's the hidden part i'm most curious about, the one they won't show us in picture. Thanks to Justin's mari-caca "Légaleezation" i got to wonder about the guy holding the camera, then the guy hiring that camera operator, etc., etc. The Emery's fate leaves me relatively indifferent, i'm only concerned by the true motivations justifying such obvious pushing of information that would normally relate to not-so-famous distant people in my French-speaking province...

Supportive or critical? I'll be damned if i do, i'll be damned if i don't. IMO those who find a win-win scenario in this type of news also happen to be the same guys making a dime on prohibition v 2.0 - it's called a diversion and it's enough to make me more curious instead of less. Too bad now it's too late for me to even care, while the UN prepares their 62nd session on drugs, during an electoral year, with the prince of Pot in plain disgrace eventually.

Screens of smoke.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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