Aussie Growers Thread

Not playing victim shit was talked first to me after cordial responses from me were given. Sequence of events im a little shit head short and stout i fucked my plants up yes i know. But you cant intimidate me like you guys do with everyone else. Bye bye
See you later Alligator
You call that feedback follow the conversation smh. Lmao. It started out as that sure then continue reading only fools justify irrational ignorance
You make a shit "no till" mix that runs out of juice early,then you switch to a hydro nutrient that is well known to be shit for soil grows and now you got your feels hurt because you can't accept that you fucked your grow up and move on with remedying it.
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I heard some one say after 25 percent of the tricks go amber the plant actually loses waight I can only see that happening if the plant rreveged anny one kno what the actual deal is with that
Spraying some eco oil round tonight couple of days since the drenching, pretty confident I can kill these mites and start my flower on Tuesday.... keen as to get a lot more butter and some new flavours. Slurri crasher above ground and a wedding cake x jungle cake is looking like a great little seedlings, no mutants so far
Just reading some of the shit that yank was sayin haha wot a twat.. asks for advice then puts on the Holier than thou, we own the world bullshit... And Russia is the problem,,, Righhhhteoooo.
15% off Neptune this weekend, not buying any, but I’m very tempted on some cannarado sundae driver crosses tho, got my eyes on the blueberry x sundae driver could be a good one.
Dunno how it happened... one of my slurri crashers got damaged from paper towel to pellet, the taproot is broke completely... oh well it’s still kicking somehow, probably will come home from work and find it all shriveled n dead but I have more beans, was actually looking for an excuse to pop more beans.