Aussie Growers Thread

Dunno how it happened... one of my slurri crashers got damaged from paper towel to pellet, the taproot is broke completely... oh well it’s still kicking somehow, probably will come home from work and find it all shriveled n dead but I have more beans, was actually looking for an excuse to pop more beans.
Hope it makes it
Just reading some of the shit that yank was sayin haha wot a twat.. asks for advice then puts on the Holier than thou, we own the world bullshit... And Russia is the problem,,, Righhhhteoooo.
I must admit the Majority of American on here don't agree with their foreign policy's. They are typical in always wanting some sort of medal for joining the wars they should of joined earlier...Funny you never hear that from the French to the Yanks. Guess most Europeans have more class than the avg Yank?? Never heard an aussie say that to a Pom or a European either and we don't have much class. Mericans are pretty strange though. But yes he joined a thread he doesn't belong in asking a Q I think I answered, others told him what they thought and he got upset? IDK, Mericans can be fragile.
BTW two bolts my arse. Got one bolt and the connections done. Asked a mate to come and finish it, I cannot get to the inside bolt and am uncomfortable pulling all the top stuff off to get to it (if that's how you do get to it...) Fords are fkd. Holdens and Toyota's at least you can get to the bolt on items.
BTW two bolts my arse. Got one bolt and the connections done. Asked a mate to come and finish it, I cannot get to the inside bolt and am uncomfortable pulling all the top stuff off to get to it (if that's how you do get to it...) Fords are fkd. Holdens and Toyota's at least you can get to the bolt on items.
I know that pain very well. Never get roped into changing one on a VW transporter,the cunts have alloy Allen key head screws holding them on so they strip 90% of the time :( I had to end up bashing a socket over the round head to get the one of my old man's van
I must admit the Majority of American on here don't agree with their foreign policy's. They are typical in always wanting some sort of medal for joining the wars they should of joined earlier...Funny you never hear that from the French to the Yanks. Guess most Europeans have more class than the avg Yank?? Never heard an aussie say that to a Pom or a European either and we don't have much class. Mericans are pretty strange though. But yes he joined a thread he doesn't belong in asking a Q I think I answered, others told him what they thought and he got upset? IDK, Mericans can be fragile.
Ive got no beef with Mexicans lol sure the rednecks and God botheres are fucked but I can't stand the vast majority of Australians too,especially whene they are overseas in groups.

Edit: Mericans not Mexicans
Me encanta México y los mexicanos, especialmente las mujeres y la comida son muy agradables.
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