If I insert my entire index finger in the soil, it's damp at the tip (lol).
idk if you ever used one of these before
but if you have you soak it wring it out and feel it. to me that feeling is what i consider "moist" at that point i let it dry 1-2 extra days before watering. the soil needs to be moist on my entire finger or at least 3/4ths usually by that time i have to water it still is if only the very tip is then i take it into consideration it is under watered. the tip alone shouldn't be damp/moist. the way i look at it is gravity will pull down the moisture from the top to bottom so the bottom will always be more wet. in fabric pots this shouldn't be an issue though.
that is just how i gauge my waterings. if the bottom is to wet i think you are either watering too often or the plant is in a bigger sized pot then needs be for it's size. this is why for people that pot up into big pots we gotta watch out waterings can't water the entire pot because it will just make the bottom damp while the top is dried out due to lack of roots for the plant to absorb the water and w.e.
that is just my 2cents though. im still trying to dial in watering myself so tbh im not one to be giving advice just my opinion.